
Minister of Communications and Information Called Microsoft’s Investment a Breath of Fresh Air for Indonesia

Jakarta (MidLand) – Minister of Communications and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi said that Microsoft’s investments in the development of cloud computing (cloud), Database (database) and artificial intelligence (Artificial intelligence/AI) is a breath of fresh air in Indonesia’s successful digital technology advancement.

“This is a breath of fresh air for Indonesia as a country and as a nation. That Indonesia is highly valued in the global digital ecosystem,” Budi said at the Office of the Ministry of Communications and Information on Tuesday, in central Jakarta.

Budi further explained that Microsoft has committed to making an investment worth 1.7 billion US dollars, which is the equivalent of IDR 27.6 trillion, and this was announced directly by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella at “Microsoft Build: Al Day Jakarta” event.

Read also: Minister of Communications and Information: Microsoft prepares large investments for Indonesia

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For Indonesia, according to Budi, the presence of this investment is an advantage in preparing the digital ecosystem, especially for the development of artificial intelligence at the national level so that it can then be taken into consideration on the global stage.

“So the changes that happen in the world affect other aspects of life. They don’t just happen inside govtech this technological development but also other aspects related to agriculture, fishing, businesses and the digital economy. “So this collaboration with Microsoft can really help our digital transformation,” Budi said.

Previously, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella had a meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to present his investment plans in Indonesia.

During the meeting, President Joko Widodo supported global technology company Microsoft’s investments in Indonesia to, among other things, build a research center and develop digital talent.

“So it’s more about developing human resources, and this is important for Indonesia to move towards this goal digital transformation,” said Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi, who accompanied President Jokowi to meet with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Tuesday.

During the meeting, Budi said, Satya told President Jokowi that Microsoft will invest significantly in Indonesia over the next four years in artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing infrastructure, as well as AI training opportunities for 840,000 people.

Read also: Microsoft invests IDR 27.6 trillion in cloud and AI in Indonesia

Read also: President Jokowi supports Microsoft’s investments in Indonesia

Read also: Microsoft CEO impressed by the design of the new Indonesian capital

Reporter: Livia Kristianti
Editor: Zita Meirina
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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