
Microsoft wants to use artificial intelligence in a series of old-school applications: Okezone techno

JAKARTA – Microsoft is starting to consider using artificial intelligence (AI) in old-school apps, like the crop tool, Paint, and Photos.

According to reports Gizchinaon Saturday (8/26/2023), features like generative artificial intelligence, object detection, and optical character recognition will make it easier for users to use these old-school applications.

Added AI to cropping, photo, and painting tools


Paint’s AI capabilities will allow for the creation of images from scratch and other image enhancements. Users can instruct Paint to create a canvas with a specific color scheme, add specific objects to an image, or generate an image from text input.


The presence of artificial intelligence in Photos is useful for identifying people and objects in photos, removing unwanted objects from photos, or creating collages and animations. This will make the image more creative and visually appealing.

Crop tool

With AI, the crop tool can be useful for taking text from screenshots, translating text from one language to another, or creating memes. This will make it easier for users to express themselves creatively.

Microsoft is committed to making artificial intelligence a central part of the company’s future. They invest heavily in AI research and development to bring AI into their products and services.

Next, the use of AI in Windows applications has the potential to make these applications more seamless and easier for users to use. It also helps Microsoft differentiate Windows from other operating systems. (Salsabila Nur Azizah)

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