M4.5 earthquake hits Central Kalimantan residents, BMKG says active fault has existed for a long time but has not been mapped
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Earthquake magnitude 4.5 on Monday, October 30, 2023, at 01.21.44 WIB, in East Kotawaringin Regency, surprising residents in that location. This is reflected in various comments from residents on the official social media accounts of the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) who said it was the first time in his life he felt an earthquake there.
The head of the Earthquake and Tsunami Center BMKG Daryono said shallow crustal earthquakes or shallow crustal earthquake triggered by the activity active fault it is unexplored. According to him, if a magnitude 4.5 earthquake occurs, it means that the active fault has been present in Kotawaringin for a long time.
“It has been there for a long time, but only now has it moved and released seismic energy,” he wrote in a short message on Monday, October 30, 2023. The earthquake was located on land at a distance of 25 kilometers northeast of Sampit, in Central Kalimantan, at a depth of 13 kilometers or including a shallow earthquake. .
Daryono also confirmed that the blame has not yet been named. “It hasn’t been mapped yet, so there’s no name yet,” she explained. However, he did not respond to the possibility of an earthquake with a magnitude greater than 4.5 one day.
Based on the tremor map modeling results, this earthquake was felt in Baamang District and Mentawa Baru District, Ketapang, with an intensity scale of III MMI, i.e. the vibrations were clearly felt in the house, the vibrations were felt as if a truck had been felt passing by.
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