Local content for elementary and middle school students in Bukittinggi, what is ABS-SBK material?
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Material education in the city BukittinggiWest Sumatra (I boast) added with Adat Basandi Syarak, Syarak Basandi Kitabullah (ABS-SBK). What is ABS-SBK material?
Quoted from langgam.id miters Teras.id, ABS-SBK material is included in local content intended for elementary and middle school students. The addition of ABS-SBK material was discovered through a post on the Bukittinggi Mayor’s Instagram account, Erman Safar Tuesday 15 August 2023.
In his post, Erman revealed that the ABS-SBK material was sourced directly from the traditional leaders, niniak mamak, bundo kanduang and cadiak smart.
“Traditional and religious leaders immediately became guest teachers for students. This is intended so that traditional knowledge can be obtained directly from sources competent in their fields,” Erman wrote on his @ermansafar Instagram account.
It is hoped that with the ABS-SBK material, students will be equipped with religious knowledge and knowledge of customs from an early age. So that it becomes the foundation for students to face the future in the era of technological development.
So what is ABS-SBK training material?
Previously, the governor of West Sumatra, Mahyeldi Ansarullah memto provide education on Basandi Syarak Syarak Basandi Kitabullah Adat (ABS-SBK) philosophy to 100 younger generations of students of SMAN 1, SMAN 2 and SMAN 3 Padang at Fauzul Azim Mosque, SMAN 1 Padang on Monday, 29 August 2022.
As quoted from p diskominfotik.sumbarprov.go.id, Mahyeldi expressed his understanding of West Sumatra Law No. 17 of 2022 pertaining to the province of West Sumatra. According to the governor, the local wisdom, culture and philosophy of ABS SBK underlie the activities of the local government and the people of Minangkabau.
“ABS-SBK is unifying the people for the people of West Sumatra, our customs are rooted in religion and the book of Allah. Each other is mutually reinforcing,” said the governor of W Sumatra.
According to him, realizing the ABS SBK philosophy requires commitment and mutual agreement between the government and the community. According to him, it is impossible for culture and customs to arise without commitment and mutual agreement.
Quoted from ABS-SBK philosophical values magazine in Minangkabau by Yelmi Eri Fardius, Adat Basandi Syarak-Syarak Basandi Kitabullah (ABS-SBK) is a life picture (way of life) Minangkabau people culturally and West Sumatra province have a horizontal relationship with other human beings as well as a vertical relationship with Allah the Most High (ablumminannas AND habluminallah).
Adat Basandi Syarak-Syarak Basandi Kitabullah (ABS-SBK) is a package that regulates the life of the Minangkabau community. ABS-SBK aims to re-clarify Minangkabau ethnic identity as a source of hope and strength that can shift the purpose of life.
The application of ABS-SBK is a collaboration between custom and religion which is applied in the socio-cultural life of Minangkabau. ABS-SBK is a unifying community for the people of West Sumatra, adat is based on the mutually reinforcing religion and book of Allah.
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