
LIPI’s long road to becoming BRIN, here are their tasks and functions

TIME.CO, JakartaIndonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) on 23 August 1967 or 56 years ago it was officially established. In its long journey, LIPI also has a long history. Its initial formation began with the merger of previously founded scientific institutions

In 1962, the government created the Department of National Research Affairs (DURENAS) and incorporated MIPI into it. Its additional task is to build and supervise several national research institutes. Then, in 1966, the status of DURENAS changed to National Research Institute (LEMRENAS). LEMRENAS and MIPI were then dissolved in August 1967 with Presidential Decree n. RE. 128 of 1967.

The Indonesian government has decided to establish the Indonesian Science Council (MIPI) through Law No. 6 of 1956 after going through a series of phases of scientific activity from the 16th century to 1956. Quoting the page lipi.go.idIts main task is to guide the development of science and technology, also taking into account the government in terms of scientific wisdom.

Reported by lapan.go.idafter a long journey on September 6, 2021 Indonesia officially no longer has the LIPI, the Agency for Evaluation and Application of Technology (BPPT), the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) and the National Agency for nuclear energy (Batan).

The four non-ministerial research institutes have merged to become a Research Organization (OR) at the National Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN). Batan became OR Nuclear Energy, Lapan became OR Aviation and Space, BPPT became OR Research and Application of Technology, while LIPI became OR Life Sciences and OR Earth Sciences.

The National Innovation Research Agency or BRIN is an agency or institution founded by President Joko Widodo o Jokowi through presidential regulation number 74 of 2019. Initially the BRIN became an entity under the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek). However, on May 5, 2021, through Presidential Rule No. 33 of 2021, BRIN was designated as the sole national research agency. Therefore, other research institutes are automatically merged into the BRIN.

On April 28, 2021, Jokowi appointed Laksana Tri Handoko as the head of the National Research and Innovation Agency, as per the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia (Keppres) number 19/M dated April 28, 2021 concerning the appointment of the head of the BRIN . So what exactly are the tasks and functions of this institution?

According to presidential regulation number 78 of 2021, the task of BRIN is to carry out government tasks in the fields of research, development, study and application, as well as inventions and innovations, nuclear operations and integrated national space administration. Integrated here refers to the bringing together of work units and the people who comprise them under the auspices of the BRIN.

The tasks of this institution, as reported on the page, are as follows:

1. Implementation of direction and synergy in the preparation of scientific and technological digestion, programs, budgets and resources in the fields of research, development, evaluation and application.

2. Formulating and determining policies in the field of quality standards for research institutions, human resources, research and technology facilities and infrastructures, strengthening innovation and R&TD, controlling technology transfer, strengthening of technology audit capabilities, protection of intellectual property rights, acceleration authority, using and progress of research and technology.

3. Coordination of the implementation of the National System of Science and Technology.

4. Preparation of the scientific and technological master plan.

5. Facilitations for the protection of intellectual property and its use following national inventions and innovations in accordance with the provisions of the law.

6. Determination of mandatory submission and mandatory retention of all primary data and results of research, development, evaluation and application results.


7. Determination of professional qualifications of researchers, engineers and human resources in the field of science and technology.

8. Structures for the exchange of scientific and technological information between elements of the scientific and technological institution.

9. Management of the national scientific and technological information system.

10. Construction of Science and Technology maintenance.

11. Licensing for the implementation of research, development, evaluation and application activities, as well as high-risk and dangerous inventions and innovations, taking into account national rules and regulations that apply internationally.

12. Supervising the digestion and implementation of the implementation of science and technology in accordance with the master plan for the progress of science and technology.

13. Coordination and synchronization of policy implementation in the fields of institutions, resources, strengthening research and development, and strengthening scientific and technological innovation.

14. Granting Written Permission for R&D Activities by Foreign Universities, Foreign R&D Institutions, Foreign and Foreign Business Entities in the Territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

15. Granting of written permits for research and development of high-risk and dangerous applied sciences and technologies in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

16. Coordinate the implementation of tasks, educate and provide administrative support to all organizational elements within the BRIN.

17. Management of state property/triumph under the jurisdiction of the BRIN.

18. Supervision of the implementation of tasks within the BRIN.


Editor’s Choice: Disappointed, researcher says he declines to submit further research to BRIN

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