Latest information on the earthquake that shook Western Java and Banten, due to the deformation of rocks in the Indo-Australian plate
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Council of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) relationship earthquake A tectonic with an update parameter magnitude of 5.1 shook the regions of West Java and Banten on Sunday, October 1, 2023, at 11.00.26 WIB.
“Earthquake “Medium due to rock deformation in the Indo-Australian Plate being subducted under West Java,” the head of the BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Centre, Daryono, said in a statement distributed on Sunday.
He said the earthquake had an upward shear or oblique thrust motion mechanism. The earthquake was located on land in the Sukabumi region, West Java, at a depth of 104 kilometers.
This earthquake impacted and was felt in Cisolok area, Sukabumi city and Sukabumi regency with an intensity scale of IV MMI, that is, during the day it was felt by many people indoors. In the areas of Sawarna, Pelabuhan Ratu, Soreang, Cianjur and Cipanas, the intensity was perceived on a III MMI intensity scale, i.e. the vibrations were clearly felt in the house, the vibrations were perceived as if a truck was passing by.
In the areas of Cibadak and Bandung, the earthquake was felt on an intensity scale II-III MMI, that is, the vibrations were clearly felt in the house, the vibrations were felt as if a truck was passing by. In the areas of Bogor and Lebak with an intensity scale of II MMI.
Based on the modeling results, it appears that this earthquake does not have the potential for a tsunami. In addition to this, as of 11:25 WIB, BMKG monitoring results had not shown any aftershock seismic activity.
Hundreds of netizens commented on BMKG social media accounts reporting this earthquake. They admitted that they had heard and mentioned places such as Kerawang, Bandung, Lembang, Pandeglang and Bogor.
Daryono called on residents to remain calm and not be influenced by matters whose truth cannot be justified.
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