
Kudus was hit by a landslide, two houses were hit

Kudus (MidLand) – The landslide disaster that occurred on Tuesday in Rahtawu village, Gebog district, Kudus regency, Central Java, has made road access to the village impassable for motor vehicles and the houses of two residents are been hit.

According to the head of the emergency section of the Kudus Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Munaji in Kudus, Tuesday, the landslide disaster in Rahtawu village occurred early Tuesday (19/3).

As well as covering road access for local villagers, the landslide material also caused damage to one resident’s home on the front facade of the house and blocked access to other residents’ homes.

The two affected houses belong to Rosidi (45) and Mainah (70).

Before the landslide occurred, the area was hit by heavy rain accompanied by strong winds. Meanwhile, the landslide material can currently be evacuated to allow the passage of residents.

Meanwhile, the landslide material that caused damage to houses and blocked access to residents’ homes was also cleared involving volunteers from the BPBD, the police, the TNI, Destana Rahtawu and the Kudus PUPR service with the use of heavy equipment.

“The officers also anticipated subsequent landslides by covering the landslide site with plastic to prevent rainwater from seeping into the ground as it could cause landslides,” he said.

The local soil has an unstable contour so it is unable to resist water infiltration.

Landslides in Rahtawu and Menawan villages occurred frequently, so the public should be alert when rainfall increases.

Based on the disaster risk map, landslide-prone areas are distributed in 13 villages, including Rahtawu, Menawan, Jurang and Kedungsari villages (Gebog district), Terban village (Jekulo district) and of Soco, Ternadi, Japan, Kuwukan, Puyoh, Colo, Waringin Hamlet and Cranggang (Dawe District).

Read also: Kudus Regency Government Entertains Children in Refugee Camps by Providing Toys

Read also: 4,277 flood-affected residents have taken refuge in Kudus

Reporter: Akhmad Nazaruddin
Publisher: Riza Mulyadi
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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