
KLHK on increase in long-tailed monkeys entering residential areas: Javanese tigers are extinct

MidLand, Jakarta – The Ministry of Environment and Forestry said that a population explosion had occurred long-tailed monkey (Macaca fascicularis) due to the disturbance of the ecosystem balance. This condition has an impact on the proliferation of monkeys crossing residential areas, as has happened recently in several areas.

“Conflicts that arise between humans and long-tailed monkeys in the Java region occur due to the lack of predatory animals in the forest,” said the Director General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation. KLHKSatyawan Pudyatmoko, when he met in his office in late February.

He mentioned that one of the extinct predators of long-tailed monkeys was the Javan tiger. Another predator whose population is starting to decline is the Javanese leopard. Therefore, Satyawan predicts that long-tailed monkey attacks will occur regularly on agricultural land and residential areas in the early or mid-dry season.

According to Satyawan, the issue of ecosystem balance is not yet widely understood. It has been shown that when many local governments report incidents of long-tailed monkey attacks, they usually demand that they be resolved immediately and completely.

“It seems that this is an easy disease to cure. Like the flu, taking a tablet is the cure,” he said, adding: “In fact, the root of the problem is very complex, including the fact that we need to restore a healthy ecosystem. “

The return of top predators such as the Javan leopard to its natural habitat, for example, is believed to require a long and comprehensive study. Socialization and acceptance by the surrounding community is required regarding the return of top predators to their habitat.


“Because resistance to the reintroduction of top predators due to fear does not only occur in developing countries, but also in developed ones,” Satyawan said.

Previously, packs of long-tailed monkeys entered residential areas and climbed onto the roofs of houses, causing unrest among city residents Bandung. The news of the monkeys coming down the mountain went viral on social media like TikTok.

President of the Zoological Museum, School of Life Sciences and Technology at Bandung Institute of Technology (STH ITB), Ganjar Cahyadi, said the appearance of these monkeys could be a sign of several things. Starting from environmental disasters, from the search for food, to competition between herds.

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