
Japanese police use AI cameras to protect officials, can predict crime – Okezone techno

USE Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already present in all fields. The existence of AI is also meant to help human beings in their daily work.

However, there are also parties that use AI in a more visionary way, one of them being Japan. Japanese police are said to use AI-based cameras to prevent crime.

The camera will be used to protect officials and important people. Through this technology, Japanese police hope that crimes can be prevented before they happen. The Daily Mail says the concept is very similar to the 2002 sci-fi film Minority Report.

The difference is that the film Minority Report uses psychics to prevent crimes from happening, while the technology pioneered by the Japanese police is in smart cameras with artificial intelligence. The camera will later be equipped with a smart device that studies the behavior patterns of criminals.

Using artificial intelligence, they will later measure crime potential from three indicators. The three are suspicious activity, unusual behavior, and tracking tools to find out where firearms and other dangerous weapons are located.

However, the use of smart cameras is actually considered obsolete. The reason is that other countries have already used this advanced technology.

“AI cameras have been widely used in Europe, the US and Asia. Even Japanese companies already have technology to detect suspicious behavior leading to criminal acts,” said Isao Itabashi, Chief Analyst Council for Public Policy quoted by Nikkei.

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The company referred to by Isao Itabashi is Vaak. The Japanese company has launched a software system capable of detecting the presence of thieves in supermarkets simply by monitoring their behaviour. “The software Vaak built actually helped the largest supermarket in Yokohama, Japan, prevent theft of goods,” wrote the Daily Mail.

Even if late, the move by the Japanese police to equip officials and important figures of the Rising Sun with intelligent cameras is to be appreciated. This is because they were shocked by the killing of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on July 8, 2022.

At that moment, Shinzo Abe was shot at close range by one of the residents who was listening to an election speech at the time. Not only was Shinzo Abe’s incident tragic, but Japanese police were also annoyed by the launch of a smoke bomb aimed at the current Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida.

“This smart camera test marks a year of the tragic events that befell Shinzo Abe,” wrote the Daily Mail.

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