Jakarta State Polytechnic Tuition Fees 2023 for All Study Programs
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Polytechnic Negeri Jakarta (PNJ) is a professional higher education institution located in Kukusan area, Beji District, Depok City, West Java. Established on September 22, 1982, this state polytechnic can be an option for prospective students who want practice-based learning activities.
Each year, one of the state universities (PTN) opens new student admissions through National Performance-Based Selection (SNBP), National Test-Based Selection (SNBT), independent and collaborative pathways. So, how much is the independent entry fee for PNJ in 2023?
Independent PNJ Tuition Fees 2023
Reporting from accept.pnj.ac.id, the tuition fees charged to PNJ students for the Independent Path for the 2023/2024 academic year are the Institution Development Fee (IPI) and Single Tuition Fee (UKT). The IPI amount is split in two for Engineering (Rp. 12,500,000) and Commerce (Rp. 10,000,000) which are paid once upon new registration.
UKT fees are instead divided into four bands, starting from band V to band VIII, based on the economic conditions of the students’ parents/guardians. UKT payments are made every semester. Below is a breakdown of the PNJ Independent Tuition Fees 2023 for all study programs (prodi).
1. Department of Civil Engineering (Engineering Group)
– D3 Civil construction
UKT: group V IDR 7,400,000, group VI IDR 9,000,000, group VII IDR 10,600,000 and group VIII IDR 12,200,000.
– D3 Construction of buildings
UKT: group V IDR 7,400,000, group VI IDR 9,000,000, group VII IDR 10,600,000 and group VIII IDR 12,200,000.
– D4 Building Construction Engineering
UKT: group V IDR 7,100,000, group VI IDR 8,400,000, group VII IDR 9,700,000 and group VIII IDR 11,000,000.
– D4 Road and bridge planning techniques
UKT: group V IDR 7,350,000, group VI IDR 8,800,000, group VII IDR 10,200,000 and group VIII IDR 11,600,000.
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering (Engineering Group)
– D3 Technik Mesin
UKT: group V IDR 5,900,000, group VI IDR 6,700,000, group VII IDR 7,600,000 and group VIII IDR 8,500,000.
– D3 Mechanical Engineering – Demak Regency Campus
UKT: group V IDR 5,900,000, group VI IDR 6,700,000, group VII IDR 7,600,000 and group VIII IDR 8,500,000.
– D4 manufacturing
UKT: group V IDR 7,100,000, group VI IDR 8,400,000, group VII IDR 9,700,000 and group VIII IDR 11,000,000.
– Production D4 – Pekalongan City Campus
UKT: group V IDR 7,100,000, group VI IDR 8,400,000, group VII IDR 9,700,000 and group VIII IDR 11,000,000.
– Power plant D4
UKT: group V IDR 6,100,000, group VI IDR 6,900,000, group VII IDR 7,700,000 and group VIII IDR 8,500,000.
– D4 Energy Conversion Engineering Technology
UKT: group V IDR 5,900,000, group VI IDR 6,700,000, group VII IDR 7,600,000 and group VIII IDR 8,500,000.
– D4 Heavy equipment maintenance engineering technology
UKT: Group V IDR 6,400,000, Group VI IDR 7,500,000, Group VII IDR 8,650,000 and Group VIII IDR 9,750,000.
3. Department of Electrical Engineering (Engineering Group)
– D3 Elektronika Industries
UKT: group V IDR 6,650,000, group VI IDR 7,800,000, group VII IDR 9,100,000 and group VIII IDR 10,300,000.
– D3 Technik Listrik
UKT: group V IDR 6,650,000, group VI IDR 7,800,000, group VII IDR 9,100,000 and group VIII IDR 10,300,000.
– D3 Telecommunications
UKT: group V IDR 6,650,000, group VI IDR 7,800,000, group VII IDR 9,100,000 and group VIII IDR 10,300,000.
– D4 Instrumentasi and Kontrol Industri
UKT: group V IDR 6,100,000, group VI IDR 6,900,000, group VII IDR 7,700,000 and group VIII IDR 8,500,000.
– D4 Industrial Electrical Automation Engineering
UKT: Group V IDR 6,100,000, Group VI IDR 6,900,000, Group VII IDR 7,700,000 and Group VIII IDR 8,500,000.
– D4 broadband multimedia
UKT: group V IDR 5,900,000, group VI IDR 6,700,000, group VII IDR 7,600,000 and group VIII IDR 8,500,000.
4. Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering (Engineering Group)
– D4 Teknik Informatics
UKT: group V IDR 5,900,000, group VI IDR 6,700,000, group VII IDR 7,600,000 and group VIII IDR 8,500,000.
– D4 Multimedia and network engineering
UKT: group V IDR 6,600,000, group VI IDR 7,700,000, group VII IDR 8,700,000 and group VIII IDR 9,800,000.
– D4 Teknik Digital Multimedia
UKT: group V IDR 6,600,000, group VI IDR 7,700,000, group VII IDR 8,700,000 and group VIII IDR 9,800,000.
– D1 Computer and Network Engineering
UKT: Rp3,000,000.
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