iPhone 15 price range in Indonesia, how much does it cost compared to neighboring countries? : Okezone techno
JAKARTA – As loyal users of Apple products, many of you may be wondering what the price range is iPhone15 series in Indonesia.
As time goes by, Apple, as a popular smartphone brand, continues to add to the list of countries along with the release schedule of its latest products. Apple itself did not provide a complete list of these countries. There are no further details on which countries will receive the second wave of sales.
However, the presence of the iPhone 15 in Indonesia is starting to be detected and it is reported that it is being processed in Indonesia. This latest iPhone series has also reportedly been registered on the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) page on the Ministry of Industry website.
There are four new iPhone series that have received TKDN certificates, namely A3094 (iPhone 15 Plus), A3090 (iPhone 15), A3102 (iPhone 15 Pro) and A3106 (iPhone 15 Pro Max).
According to reports from various sources, the General Directorate of Postal and Information Resources and Equipment (Ditjen SDPPI) Kominfo also issued certificates for the four variants of iPhone 15 on Thursday (10/12/2023), namely A3094 (iPhone 15 Plus), A3090 (iPhone 15), A3102 (iPhone 15 Pro) and A3106 (iPhone 15 Pro Max).
As for the price, this US-made gadget starts at 799 US dollars or 12.26 million rupees for the lowest model with a capacity of 128 GB. This price will obviously be different if the iPhone 15 series arrives in Indonesia.
Referring to the availability of the iPhone 14 last year, several distributors set a higher price for the smartphone than the price in the US market. The price of some iPhone 14 variants is IDR 4-5 million unlike the series released in their hometown. The price difference is related to various costs, such as taxes and import duties charged on the mobile phone.
Previously, the iPhone 14 series price in Singapore was cheaper than the price in Indonesia last year. The difference in higher prices in Indonesia cannot be separated from taxes imposed, differences in exchange rates and so on.
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