
Industrial operators in Tangerang stop using independent PLTU and switch to electricity in PLN

TIME.CO, Jakarta – Industrial operators in Tangerang and Banten area are pledged to stop the use of steam power plants (power plant) own and switch to electricity PLN to reduce air pollution.

PT Polychem Indonesia Electrical Tools Director Taufan Prihadi said his party switched to using electricity from PT PLN (Persero) after previously independently generating electricity from PLTU of 2×15 MW. Electricity is used to produce the raw material for polyester, namely ethylene glycol.

“To reduce air pollution, we are withdrawing PLTU that was previously independently managed to reduce emissions,” he said in a written statement in Jakarta quoted by Antara on Saturday, Aug. 26, 2023.

In addition to no longer using coal to produce electricity, he continued, the company is much more efficient operationally, as electricity costs run to nearly Rs 10 billion a month if they continue to use independent generators.


“Now using electricity from PLN is also cheaper in terms of expenditure. The cost of electricity is cheaper and free from maintenance costs. When our PLTU was running, the coal consumption reached about 740 tons per day,” he said.

The company’s management, he added, also achieved a positive value in electricity use of PLN, and the management’s energy policy was in line with the government’s policy to immediately achieve net-zero emissions by 2060.

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