Impact of violent tornado in Jatinangor-Rancaekek: hundreds of houses severely damaged and dozens of people injured
MidLand, Jakarta – Hydrometeorological disasters in the form of tornado which hit the border area of Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency and Rancaekek, Bandung Regency, on Wednesday afternoon, February 21, 2024, causing damage to hundreds of buildings. Debris from the roofs of residents’ homes was scattered and several trees fell around Jalan Raya Bandung-Garut. Traffic also suffered congestion on Wednesday evening.
Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) The province of West Java and five sub-districts were hit by a tornado. Two subdistricts are part of Sumedang regency, namely Jatinangor and Cimanggung. Meanwhile, the other three are in Bandung Regency, namely Cileunyi, Rancaekek and Cicalengka.
The BPBD of West Java province noted that at least 13 industrial buildings and 10 residential units were damaged in Sumedang Regency due to gusty winds. strong winds THE. Meanwhile in Bandung regency, 18 buildings including factories and shops and 151 residential units were seriously damaged. 223 housing units were lightly damaged and 119 housing units were moderately damaged.
“The impact of the houses (hit by the tornadoes) is still being collected,” West Java Province BPBD Emergency and Logistics Section Chief Hadi Rahmat said in his statement, Thursday, February 22, 2024.
The number of victims injured by the fury of the tornado reached 33 people. Most of the injured victims, namely 22 people, were from Bandung Regency. Meanwhile, the other 12 injured victims were residents of Sumedang Regency. Besides that, the total number of families affected by the tornado in Bandung Regency reached 442 families, or approximately 1,359 people. The number of affected families in Sumedang Regency was recorded as 412 families.
“The BPBD of West Java Province provided assistance in the form of 25 tarpaulin sheets and installed a tent unit from Bataliyon 330, as well as 1 unit from the Ministry of Social Affairs for the residents of Situbuntu Village RT 04 RW 02 Village of Mangun Arga, Cimanggung District,” Hadi said.
According to Hadi, the BPBD of West Java Province coordinated with the BPBD of Sumedang Regency and the BPBD of Bandung Regency to conduct an analysis and impact assessment at the accident site. He confirmed that the joint officials included the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas), TNI, Polri and residents around the scene began cleaning up the scattered debris. Clearance work was also carried out on fallen trees blocking the road.
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