ICEL: Carbon capture technology is not effective in reducing carbon emissions
MidLand, JAKARTA – The Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL) assesses that carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) have not been effective in reducing greenhouse gases globally. ICEL researcher Fajri Fadillah said technology to capture and store carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions can only absorb about 39 million tons of CO2 in 2021. This amount equates to 0.1% of the 36 billion of total tons of emissions released into the atmosphere. atmosphere every year. “Globally it turned out to be a failure,” he told Tempo, Tuesday 23 January 2024.
According to him, the performance of existing CCS systems in the United States, Saudi Arabia, China and various large countries was weak when they were built. Based on a study conducted by Friend of the Earth International and Global Witness in 2021, the performance of the CCS when it was just operational was only 65%. It took several years for the carbon storage performance to reach 90.
Data from the Global CCS Institute shows that this technology has been in operation for more than 45 years. Of the 194 large-scale CCS plants by the end of 2022, there are 94 projects in the Americas, 73 in Europe, 21 in Asia-Pacific and the rest in the Middle East.
The Indonesian government is preparing a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) regarding the rules for using Carbon Capture technology. Deputy for Maritime Sovereignty and Energy Coordination at the Coordination Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves), Jodi Mahardi, said the presidential regulation will be issued this month. Currently all procedures and bureaucratic phases have been completed. “As for the presidential decree, it should be officially launched in the near future. The process has gone through the bureaucratic stages and has been completed,” Jodi said.
Indonesia already has 16 CCS and CCUS pilot projects that are being carried out by the Indonesian government together with several oil and gas companies. The projects are spread across different locations, such as Abadi Masela field, Sunda Asri basin in East Kalimantan; and Gundih and Sukowati, East Java.
Mahawira Dillon, policy researcher at Just Energy Transition, said CCS development is complicated because it must be preceded by a full geological survey. With high pressure, even small cracks can cause environmental pollution, particularly of groundwater. “You need to ensure that the cavity or aquifer used is truly watertight and meets the requirements.”
How do environmentalists criticize the development of carbon capture technology? See the report in the article titled ‘Stocks of risks related to the storage of emissions‘
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