How to Deal with a Slow Cell Phone – ANTARA News
Jakarta (MidLand) – Mobile phones have become a basic need, not only for communication, but also for running a variety of applications that support work and are a place to store important data.
In the context of the growing need for mobile phones, the problem of slow mobile phones often presents a major obstacle. A slow mobile phone can really interfere with daily activities and annoy users.
Slow cell phones can be overcome in the following ways, starting with restart to application management.
1. Restart or restart
Restart It is the easiest way and the first step to take when your mobile phone is slow. This method can help to keep your mobile phone’s operating system updated so that the performance of your device improves.
Turning on your phone for 24 hours may cause a decline in its performance. Users are advised to turn off their phone periodically when the device is not in use to prevent the phone from slowing down.
2. Happy hideout that accumulates in applications
Hide The accumulation of applications will increase the storage capacity of the internal memory, slowing down the performance of the mobile phone.
Go to your phone settings, select the app then delete it hideout from the application.
3. Delete unused applications
The next effective way to manage a slow cell phone is to delete applications that are not used or rarely used. Moreover hideoutApplications can also overload the operating system so that the phone feels slow.
Therefore, delete unused apps to free up internal storage space on your phone.
4. Update your operating system
Check if your phone requires it update the operating system that is, operating system updates. Using the latest operating system will help your phone run smoothly.
Updating your operating system is also a way to overcome a slow cell phone.
5. Delete unnecessary files
Delete files you no longer need, they could be duplicate photos, large videos, or documents you no longer need.
If your phone supports an external memory card, move some data to it memory card external so that the cell phone is not slow.
6. Factory reset or return to factory settings
The latest way to deal with cell phones slow and do Factory reset (factory settings) that make the device as it was when you first turned it on. Please remember this Factory reset This means that all data on your phone is deleted except for the default applications.
Before doing Factory reset Make sure you have a backup (recommended) so that your important data is still there.
If you have tried the above methods, however, your cell phone is still slow, consider buying a new device.
Reporter: Sean Anggiatheda Sitorus
Editor: Natisha Andarningtyas
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