Highlighting the fall of NFTs in various football business projects, Liverpool Most Zonk: Okezone techno
JAKARTA – NFTs (Non-fungible tokens) are experiencing a decline in value. News of the collapse of digital assets used as proof of ownership of cryptocurrency assets has received attention, especially in the world of football.
Going back, NFTs that use blockchain technology to authenticate digital assets as unique, non-fungible digital assets have attracted a lot of interest, including from elite soccer teams.
Over the past year or two, these digital assets have grown rapidly in the world of football. This is demonstrated by the number of elite football clubs creating NFT projects for commercial purposes to earn profits. Club commercial officials and sports consultants at the time even enthusiastically championed the potential of NFTs for fan engagement utility.
Reported by the site BNN, Wednesday (10/04/2023) the development of NFTs in the world of football has indeed suffered a downturn recently. Like scrap, NFTs are showing a sharp decline, both in terms of value and interest.
Report from a cryptocurrency and online gambling website, dappGambl said that about 95% of all NFTs analyzed in its sample, including high-profile projects promoted by athletes and celebrities, have now become nearly worthless.
In line with this report, several NFT projects held by elite European clubs also reportedly sold only a few as the token’s value dropped dramatically.
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