
Health experts recommend first aid methods for children with fever

MidLand, Jakarta – Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo child health expert Dr. Mulya Rahma Karyanti, SpA(K), M.Sc provides recommendations for first aid when children fever that is, give him something to drink as often as possible so that he doesn’t get dehydrated.

“So if you feel uncomfortable or anxious or in pain, you can give fever-reducing drugs as first aid. It can be repeated every 4 to 6 hours,” he said at an event held online, Tuesday, November 28. 2023.

If the fever does not go down, apply a compress with warm water. According to Karyanti, if a child has a high fever accompanied by chills and cold hands and feet, this means that his body temperature will still rise to 39-40 degrees Celsius.

Therefore, it will be useful to compress with warm water for 15 minutes. Try compressing areas of large blood vessels such as armpit creases, groin creases, or wiping your baby’s body with a washcloth so body heat escapes by evaporation.

“We are afraid that if we have an attack, it can be helped by compressing it with warm water, using a handkerchief or a washcloth (soaked in lukewarm or lukewarm water,” he said.

This is exactly the same as after someone drinks an antipyretic and then sweats, the purpose is to release heat through the pores of the body.

However, if the fever does not go down on the third day, Karyanti suggests taking the child to the nearest health facility to find out the cause of the illness. However, most causes of fever are viruses that do not require antibiotics.

“There are indications for giving antibiotics. Antibiotics are not for all illnesses. You do not need antibiotics every time you have a fever. If you have a fever, treat the fever, administer first aid and drink as often as possible,” Karyanti said.

He added that while performing first aid you should pay attention to the condition of the child. If he can drink but is vomiting, it is possible that he cannot get fluids and this could lead to dehydration.

Also pay attention to your child’s urination time. Normally, children urinate every 4 hours. However, if it’s been 12 hours and you haven’t urinated, it could be a sign of dehydration.

Additionally, if he is lethargic, it could also be a sign of lack of fluids and he should be taken to the hospital immediately.

Mulya Rahma Karyanti also said that not all fevers require antibiotics because most causes, such as sore throats, are 80% due to viruses.

Karyanti, in an online event organized by RSCM – ILUNI FKUI, on Tuesday, suggested that patients be taken to a health facility if fever does not improve after three days.


Next, the doctor may ask the patient to undergo tests such as a blood test to see the number of leukocytes, or white blood cells. If the number exceeds 15,000, the disease is likely caused by bacteria and requires antibiotics.

“Signs that need to be monitored are if you have fever, cough, runny nose, snot starts to turn green, be careful, you are afraid that there is a bacterial infection, or if you have bloody stools, there is mucus, most part probable bacteria,” he said.

Meanwhile, if the fever is caused by a virus, it is usually characterized by the patient’s face suddenly turning red. This condition can generally heal on its own.

He said that, especially in children under three years old or newborns, there is concern that high fever is caused by serious bacteria, so the cause must be sought without having to wait three days. Karyanti once again reminded that if the cause of the disease is bacteria, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

Antibiotics are different from over-the-counter (OTC) medications or medications that can be purchased without a prescription, such as antipyretics or mucosal antitussives. This drug can be given to all age groups and the types differ depending on the disease.

“There are various types of antibiotics, for example specific for upper respiratory tract, urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract, there are specifics because the patterns of germs are different,” Karyanti said.

Especially for children, antibiotics are usually administered based on kilograms of body weight. While for adults it is usually a tablet, tablet or capsule.

He reminded patients to continue taking antibiotics as prescribed by their doctor and to discontinue them to prevent bacteria from becoming resistant to the antibiotics administered.

“You have to spend it accordingly recipe“If you stop it ahead of time, the weak germs will die first, the remaining stronger germs will eventually multiply causing more severe symptoms,” Karyanti’s message states.

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