German scientist: NASA killed aliens by accident: Okezone techno
JAKARTA – Landing of production spacecraft United States of AmericaViking 1 of planet Mars 50 years ago, accused of involuntary manslaughter Alien. The accusation was made by a German scientist, Dirk Schulze-Makuch.
The scientist and researcher at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, blamed Viking 1’s success on Mars for causing problems. At the time, Viking was sent by NASA to photograph surface conditions and reveal the potential for other life on the planet.
“Viking in fact managed to photograph the surface conditions of Mars, which was difficult to do at the time. However, in order to reveal the potential for other life on the planet, Viking actually made a mistake,” Schulze-Makuch said as quoted by the DailyMail.
The mistake Schulze-Makuch was accused of was when he tried to research the presence of water on the planet. It’s just that the Vikings improved the water conditions with the water they brought from Earth. Dirk Schulze-Makuch believes that this was a mistake that made the existence of alien life on Mars disappear.
This theory may seem strange. As an argument, Schulze-Makuch gives the example of the Atacama Desert in Chile. This area is believed to have Mars-like conditions. Atacama mycorrhea does not need rain to survive.
In fact, microbes will die when there is too much water. Life on Mars has adapted to existing conditions so much so that the Viking experiments, which involved adding water to soil samples, may have overwhelmed these potential microbes. “The impact caused them to die,” Dirk Schulze-Makuch said.
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