Fikom Unpad professional final assignment work can be sold, graduates are also hired to work
TIME.CO, Jakarta – The student’s final assignment work is not just a component of graduation obligations. At the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University or Unpack for example, it works thesis Students in the Diploma 4 Media Production Management study program can be sold and students are recruited to work.
“This final project can be used to earn money, this is what we want,” Kismiyati El Karimah, curriculum teacher, said Thursday, Aug. 31, 2023.
Kismiyati gave an example of his final assignment student animation guide. The work was purchased by a state-owned company.
The student previously carried out practical field work there. Another student’s work was used as a broadcast on a private television station.
There are also students who produce their final project in the form of a mental health magazine and are then invited to collaborate with others to create a new magazine with similar topics. The same goes for students who produce their final project in the form of a podcast. At least half of the students’ final assignments under his guidance so far have continued into the world of work.
Kismiyati has been teaching and supervising final assignments for students of the Media Production Management Diploma 4 study program since its opening in 2016. The first graduates were in 2020.
In applied university professional school, students are advised to write their final assignments in groups of two. “Work is a joint task, but later everyone will report individually,” explains the senior lecturer of Fikom Unpad.
Students may choose to make their final project in the form of a certain type of media. After working together so that the costs are not burdensome, each student is asked to make a report based on their contribution to the group. For example, a report on the writing, production or editing of the screenplay accompanied by references is expected.
The manner of writing the report, Kismiyati said, was in accordance with the guidelines contained in the Guidelines for Writing Final Assignments of D4 Vocational Schools that students could download. As a thesis divided into five chapters, the final report is different in chapter two. The content is not a literature review, but rather the basis for the concept of creating works. The final report of the project, supervised by two teachers, was then brought to the classroom.
The final assignment work for vocational students carries the same weight as a thesis for undergraduate or graduate students, i.e. six semester credits. Teacher assessment, i.e. 50% for group grades, the other half for independent or individual grades.
“So in a group there might be someone who gets an A, a friend gets a B, and those who don’t contribute to the team will get caught in the process,” Kismiyati said.
Final allocation applications for university and applied programs in the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 53 of 2023 relating to quality assurance in higher education, may take the form of a thesis, prototype, project or other similar form of final assignment both individually and in groups. Another form is the application of a project-based curriculum or other similar forms of learning and assessment that can demonstrate graduates’ achievement of competencies.
The rule also provides that if a degree or applied degree course includes a project-based training course or other similar form, the final assignment may be canceled or no longer mandatory, according to the determinations of each study course.
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