Fajar’s diploma and that of dozens of other students in Jakarta will finally be able to be redeemed through this program
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Fajar Maulana Yusuf, 21, grateful. In the end he managed to get it degree SMK where he was detained school.
Due to costs he was unable to graduate by studying for three years at a private vocational school in North Jakarta. “I graduated in 2021 and now I can get my diploma only thanks to this help,” Fajar said Monday, Oct. 16, 2023.
Now that he has his diploma in hand, Fajar plans to study while he works. “I’m grateful and then I want to work while I study,” he said.
Fajar is one of dozens of other students who have received assistance from the North Jakarta City Government and DKI Jakarta BAZNAS (BAZIS) “Redeem Diploma” program. A total of 56 diplomas were redeemed using funds raised from the Collective Additional Income Zakat, Infaq and Alms (ZIS) for State Civil Service Employees (TPP ASN) through the DKI Jakarta Provincial Bazis.
North Jakarta Mayor Ali Maulana Hakim reminded participants to make the most of their diplomas, for example by returning to continue their studies or working towards a career. “Don’t just keep your diploma, it should be a motivation to get a diploma (higher education) after this. “If there’s an opportunity to work while you’re in school, do it,” he said.
North Jakarta BAZNAS (BAZIS) coordinator for DKI Jakarta province, Wisnu Cakraningrat, said that 56 diplomas were redeemed. A total of 11 of them were from Satya Negara Hospital’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) training programme.
The diploma consists of the categories Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM), Elementary School (SD), Middle School (SMP), High School (SMA), and Vocational High School (SMK). “This follows the synergy between the Provincial Education Service of DKI Jakarta and the Provincial BAZNAS of DKI Jakarta (BAZIS). “God willing, we will slowly pray and try so that the other diplomas that students have not yet received can be redeemed,” he said.
DKI Jakarta’s Education Department had previously investigated why schools were refusing diplomas to students who had already graduated. The acting head of the Purwosusilo Education Service said the refusal of diplomas in private schools was due to the economic conditions of the family due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
DKI Jakarta Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono also previously highlighted the issue of certificates of disadvantaged students who were still retained in schools. He stated that he would look into the reasons why many students had graduated but their diplomas were still being withheld by the school.
“Yes, I want to check why this is so, there is KJMU, there is a scholarship in Jakarta,” Heru Budi said, Friday, September 29, 2023.
Dozens of diplomas from disadvantaged students in West Jakarta were also redeemed. West Jakarta Baznas (Bazis) coordinator Heru Nurwanto said the buyback program aims to help economically disadvantaged residents or students process their degree certificate.
“We have carried out the redemption of diplomas for 38 residents, both for middle school diplomas and equivalent high school diplomas. So 33 for area 2 of the West Jakarta Education Sub-department and five for area 1 of West Jakarta,” Heru said.
According to Heru, the diploma redemption program for 38 residents will not stop here, but will continue in the future. “God willing, there will be (further redemption of diplomas), because previously there was a report from West Jakarta Education Sub-Department that there were still many diplomas that were still withheld,” he said .
West Jakarta Region II Education Sub-Department Head of Basic Education, Special Education and Special Services (Dikdas and PKLK), M Wawu Almubasir, said there were 176 residents or students whose diplomas had not been redeemed. “Actually, our data shows that there are 162 students for West Jakarta Educational Subdistrict Area 2 and 14 for West Jakarta Educational Subdistrict Area 1. However, due to limitations, we only handled 38 residents or students,” he said.
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