
Failed Transaction by Customer of Poor TikTok Store 10 Minutes Before Government Shut Down: Okezone techno

JAKARTA – The Indonesian government has officially blocked it TikTok Store from today Wednesday (10.04.2023) at 17.00 WIB. Ironically, customers of this application cannot even make transactions or “checkout” (CO) 10 minutes before the block.

The MNC portal interviewed a customer of the TikTok store and he admitted that he could not carry out CO even 10 minutes before it was blocked. In fact, CO usually occurs normally.

“I can’t CO before 5pm. I can’t really pay for the goods I want to buy,” Novie told MNC Portal, Wednesday afternoon.

To confirm whether it really couldn’t be CO, Novie tried another store and purchased the merchandise they were selling. But what happened was the same, he couldn’t CO. no type of goods in the TikTok store.

“I’ve tried different stores, bought different types of merchandise, but I still can’t do CO,” Novie continued.

On the other hand, Novie wonders why TikTok Shop still shows live traders. In fact, customers can no longer make COs or purchase goods.

“I’m surprised, customers can’t do CO anymore, but why are the merchants still alive, how will they pay later?”, he said confused.

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Please note that the government did not block TikTok Shop for no reason. This policy refers to the Minister for Trade Regulation 31 of 2023 as a refinement of the Minister for Trade Regulation 50 of 2020 of 26 September.

The purpose of implementing this policy is to create equal and fair rules for e-commerce in the country. Well, one of the rules is to ban social media from joining e-commerce.

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