Experiment until addiction is the reason why people consume amethyst fruit
Jakarta (MidLand) – The Indonesian Association of Physicians for the Development of Traditional Herbal Medicine (PDPOTJI) said that the desire to try and even becoming addicted are some of the reasons why someone consumes amethyst fruit.
“The reason why people try amethyst is usually people with unstable emotional or mental conditions, such as young people and teenagers,” said PDPOTJI President Dr. (Cand.) Dr. Ingrid Tania, M.Si when contacted by MidLand in Jakarta, Monday.
Ingrid said that the consumption of amethyst fruit often occurs because someone is in an unstable emotional or mental state. Usually used as an escape from depression or stress.
Read also: 47 people hospitalized in RSJ, Kalsel police response to rampant cases of amethyst poisoning
According to him, this state of trial and error is the same as curiosity when one wants to taste cigarettes, hard drugs or narcotics.
Meanwhile, in conditions of addiction, drug addicts abuse amethyst and mix it with a hard drug called Zenith which contains the substance Carnophen.
“It is a psychoactive drug or an addictive drug and it is actually illegal. “It is no longer allowed to be distributed by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). It used to be a drug for bone disorders but because it can be psychoactive and addictive, it is prohibited,” Ingrid said.
Read also: Kalsel police await Labfor results on amethyst fruit content
However, Zenith is still available in circulation among the public at low prices, including the mix that uses the amethyst fruit.
Ingrid warned that consuming these drinks could put your health at risk because it could cause hallucinations, a sudden increase in sexual desire, heartbeat problems and even death.
The duration of the severity of the side effects also varies from person to person, so its use is not recommended. As for the treatment of the effects, he said there was nothing the public could do except take the drunk patients to the nearest hospital.
Read also: South Kalimantan Regional Police: Amethyst Tests Positive for Atropine and Scopolamine
“People cannot be helped medically, the only way is to be taken to the hospital because people who are drunk on amethyst must be given drugs that are antidotes to the compounds that cause drunkenness or hallucinations,” he said.
Then today, the director of narcotics research at the South Kalimantan regional police, Kombes Pol Kelana Jaya, revealed that the test results from the forensic laboratory (Labfor) at the National Police Headquarters, Surabaya Branch, stated that the amethyst fruit was positive for atropine and scopolamine.
“For narcotics, psychotropics and other dangerous drugs it is negative, what is certain is that the use of amethyst is not good based on its content, especially when mixed with illegal drugs and alcohol,” he said.
Read also: Poisonous, Amethyst is no longer used as a traditional medicine
Meanwhile, the head of health and medical sciences of the South Kalimantan regional police, Police Commissioner Dr. Muhammad El Yandiko added that the content of atropine and scopolamine in the amethyst fruit is dangerous to health, especially in the fruit and roots where the content is highest, namely 0.4 to 0.9%, followed by leaves and flowers at 0.2 to 0.3%.
Of course, amethyst also contains alkaloids, medically called anticholinergic drugs, which act on the central nervous system to the point of causing an increase in heart rate, anesthetic effects and hallucinations that can last for two days.
“Users will have difficulty distinguishing between reality and the delusions they experience, then the addictive effects will follow, eventually causing poisoning if consumed repeatedly,” Yandiko said.
Read Also: Police Arrest Amethyst Theft Suspect
Reporter: Hreeloita Dharma Shanti
Publisher: Zulaikha Sites
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