Excel Multiplication Formula: Basic Things You Need to Master: Okezone techno
JAKARTA – The following is an Excel multiplication formula that can be used by everyone. This formula is a mathematical operation commonly used for schoolwork, business, or other work.
This multiplication operation is the fundamental thing you need to master to process the data you have in Excel.
There are various types of multiplication formulas that can be used in Excel according to your needs. This is an easy way to do multiplication in Excel by starting with an equal sign (=).
Multiply the numbers in the cells
The Excel multiplication formula to use is the arithmetic operator * (asterisk) which means multiplication. In the cell you can enter the formula =n*n (replace n with the required number).
Example: =3*5, so it will produce the number 15.
Multiply a column of numbers by a constant number
If you want to multiply each cell by a different column, in the new column you can enter the Excel multiplication formula as follows:
=A2*$B$2 (A2 and B2 are the columns whose numbers will be multiplied) then press Enter to get the result. The $ symbol indicates “absolute” which means that if you copy the formula to another cell, the reference will always be to cell B2.
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