
Doctors deny that childhood tuberculosis is not contagious

Jakarta (MidLand) – Pediatric Respirology Consultant of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia-National Central General Hospital, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dr. Darmawan B. Setyanto, Sp.A (K), denied the fact that tuberculosis suffered by children does not have the potential to spread to other people.

“When it is said that tuberculosis is not contagious, which child comes first? “Because if you make it simple it will seem like it applies across the board, because from newborns to ABGs (newly grown children) it’s not contagious, that’s wrong,” Dr. said. Darmawan B. Setyanto, Sp.A (K) in an online discussion in Jakarta, Sunday.

Darmawan said society cannot defeat every case of tuberculosis traced back to children. This is because the spectrum in which the age of children can be mentioned is very, very extreme and broad.

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According to him, a person is still a child when he goes from a newborn with a body weight of less than one kilogram to a teenager with a body weight of 100 kilograms.

In relation to this issue, Darmawan explained that the younger a person is, in general there is less risk that tuberculosis could infect other people. On the other hand, as a child or adolescent ages, the risk of transmission is greater, just as when they become adults.

In addition to age, Darmawan reminded parents to also pay attention to other supporting health data so as not to misunderstand or generalize the condition of tuberculosis patients.

Tuberculosis or tuberculosis, which can affect anyone, is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Organs in the body that can be attacked by tuberculosis include the lungs, spine, skin, brain, lymph nodes, and heart.

Transmission of tuberculosis occurs through the air, when tuberculosis germs in the air are inhaled by other people. One form of tuberculosis transmission is when a sick person coughs or sneezes without covering their mouth, the bacteria spreads into the air via droplets.

World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated every March 24th.

Read also: Doctor: beware of latent tuberculosis which can occur without symptoms

Read also: Doctor: Smokers have a high risk of contracting tuberculosis

Read also: World leaders pledge to eradicate tuberculosis by 2030

Reporter: Hreeloita Dharma Shanti
Editor: Natisha Andarningtyas
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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