DKI managed to reduce 220 RW of slums by 2023
part of the Community Action Plan programme
Jakarta (MidLand) – The DKI provincial government has managed to reduce 220 RW of slums by 2023 as a step to organize areas in the Jakarta area.
“By reducing slum RW in 2018-2023 from the target of 200 RW, we can achieve 220,” DKI Jakarta Provincial Secretary Assistant for Development and Environment Afan Adriansyah Idris said in a discussion of the 2023 DKI Governor Accountability Report (LKPJ). in Bogor, Friday.
Afan said this was achieved through part of the Community Action Plan (CAP) program and the program to implement community unity in environmental management (Collaborative Implementation Programme/CIP).
This target was initiated from 2018 to 2023 by the original 16.45% to 9.22% of RWs from Jakarta slums.
“The DKI provincial government, through the CAP-CIP program, has reduced the RW slum area from 16.45% to 9.22% during 2018-2023,” he said.
However, he stressed, everything depends on the evaluation of slum RWs, the success or failure of which depends on the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS).
He said, by way of illustration, that in late 2022, the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of DKI Jakarta Province had carried out sampling tests on the CIP in East Jakarta.
He hopes that next year the BPS, after carrying out assessments, can provide accurate results so that his party can allocate a budget for the CIP.
Earlier on Sunday, DKI Jakarta Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono handed over the keys of seven residents’ houses renovated through the Village Improvement Program in Jalan Matraman Dalam 3, Pegangsaan Village, Menteng District, Central Jakarta.
Reporter: Luthfia Miranda Putri
Publisher: Ganet Dirgantara
Copyright © MidLand 2024
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