DKI Bank increases CSR through stunting and hydroponic gardens
Jakarta (MidLand) – DKI Bank is scaling up its social and environmental responsibility (CSR) program this year by managing stunt and hydroponic gardens to ensure community well-being.
“We continue to encourage the implementation of CSR integrated with business activities,” DKI Bank Chief Technology and Operations and Interim President Amirul Wicaksono told reporters in Jakarta on Thursday.
Amirul said that as a financial services institution, the company has a direction and focus in implementation, namely education, banking education, social, environmental, arts and culture.
For example, in early 2024, participate in a program to provide adequate nutrition to manage stunting in DKI Jakarta as an effort to support one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely creating hunger-free conditions and a healthy, prosperous life.
Read also: This is DKI Bank’s initiative to realize its commitment to the environment and the disabled community
The company also inaugurated a hydroponic garden in Rusunawa Pasar Rebo, the tenth apartment of the Jakarta Hydroponic Cooperative (JAKONIK) program.
Subsequently, he also provided educational assistance to people with cerebral palsy through the Jakarta Foundation for the Development of Disabled Children (YPAC).
Thanks to these steps, the company won an award as Indonesia’s Best CSR in Banking 2024 from the independent institution The Iconomics, an award given directly by the founder and CEO of The Iconomics, Bram S. Putro at the 6th Indonesia CSR Awards 2024 .
However, improving its positive image towards related parties is also part of the company’s strategy.
On another occasion, DKI Bank Corporate Secretary Arie Rinaldi said his party continues to increase its positive contribution to society through sustainable CSR programs.
“Through collaboration with various entities and innovative initiatives, we are committed to being a change agent that empowers society and supports sustainable development in Indonesia,” Arie said.
Amirul and Arie did not specify the amount of budget that the company has prepared for the CSR program this year, but until December 2023 the bank has implemented at least a number of social responsibility programs in the amount of 5.1 billion of IDR.
Read also: DKI improves Posyandu services and provides supplements to overcome stunting
Reporter: Luthfia Miranda Putri
Editor: Edy Sujatmiko
Copyright © MidLand 2024
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