Dimas, Taman Safari Indonesia II Prigen bull, becomes stallion in Baluran National Park
TIME.CO, Jakarta – The Baluran Situbondo National Park Office, East Java, added male breeders bull from Taman Safari Indonesia II Prigen in an attempt to reproduce semi-naturally in a buffalo reserve to prevent the extinction of the Javanese bull (bos javanicus).
The head of Baluran National Park, Situbondo, Johan Setiawan, when contacted from Situbondo, East Java, Tuesday, October 10, 2023, said that it is hoped that efforts to semi-naturally breed Javanese bulls will help increase the population and the quality of the genetic diversity of the bulls.
“Today the male bull named ‘Dimas’ was handed over by the conservation institute Taman Safari Prigen II and is expected to arrive at Baluran National Park this afternoon,” Johan said.
According to him, the bull delivered by Taman Safari Indonesia II Prigen was a male bull descended from a female parent named “Dini” and a male parent named “Matos” and was born on August 22, 2017.
Conservation institute Taman Safari Indonesia II Prigen’s Javan bull breeder will be used as the superior male for five female bulls in the bull sanctuary of Baluran National Park.
“We hope that this superior sire will produce superior, resistant offspring or seeds with superior morphology and genetics,” Johan said.
The male bull named “Dimas”, he said, was examined by the medical team with measurable and scientifically reliable methods.
“As a result of a series of tests, the male bull was declared healthy and very suitable to be used as a parent for breeding bulls in the bull sanctuary of Baluran National Park,” Johan said.
He added that, being a protected animal, efforts to increase its population are a major concern, as stated in the decree of the Director General of the KSDAE (Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems) that the bull is one of the 25 priority animal species whose population needs to be preserved. be increased.
“We hope that ‘Dimas’ will grow and develop well in the Baluran bull sanctuary, so that it can produce offspring of Javanese bulls ready to be released into the natural habitat of Baluran National Park,” Johan said.
Javanese bull breeding is also in commemoration of the National Nature Conservation Day (HKAN) and also coincides with the anniversary Animals Worldwide on October 4, 2023.
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