
Crew members and fishermen do not dare to go to sea during the full moon phase, this is the reason

MidLand, Jakarta – Several crew members (ABK) at Muara Baru Port, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, did not go to sea because they were under sea. full moon. This phenomenon generally has the potential to increase the maximum tidal height. This also impacts coastal flooding or tidal flooding in the northern coastal area of ​​Jakarta.

Previously, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) DKI Jakarta asked residents living on the northern coast of Jakarta, including Penjaringan, to be aware of the impact of the highest tides from January 21 to 27, 2024.

According to BPBD DKI Jakarta managing director Isnawa Aji, warning information on potential coastal flooding or tidal inundation has been issued by the BMKG at the Tanjung Priok Class I marine weather station.

“We ask residents of the northern coastal area of ​​Jakarta to be alert,” he said in an official statement, Sunday, January 21, 2024.

It responds to the phase of the full moon which causes the highest sea tides. So, what is the phase of the full moon?

Extracted from the form Earth and space by Harlinda Syofyan of Esa Unggul University, full moon phase or full moon occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth, so that sunlight is completely sent to the moon. This phase occurs on the fourteenth day, when the moon is at 180 degrees. In this phase the moon appears as a full circle or often known as a full moon.

The full moon also occurs when the position of the earth is between the moon and the sun in a straight line. The entire sunlit side of the Moon appears completely round and very bright. The hemisphere of the Earth that experiences the nocturnal phase will see a perfectly round Moon.

Quoted from Between, the phase of the full moon that coincides with perigee or the minimum distance of the Moon from the Earth causes the height of the tides. This phenomenon impacts community activities around ports and coasts. These include loading and unloading in ports, activities in coastal settlements, salt ponds and inland fishing.

In addition to ports and coasts, the phase of the full moon also has an impact fisherman. The impacts are as follows.

1. Fishermen’s catches are terrible

Always referring to the form Earth and space, the light of the full moon causes fish to migrate to darker places. Or deeper and tend to stay away from predators. This condition makes it difficult for fishermen to catch fish because the fish cannot be reached by the nets.

2. Safety factors

The full moon can cause higher tides than normal days. During the full moon the sun and moon are aligned with the earth, so their gravitational forces combine. This causes the ocean waves to become higher. Therefore, fishermen tend to prefer to rest on days when the full moon appears.

3. Fish lying down

Quoted from the magazine Bagan catch results based on month age in the waters of Leihitu District, Central Maluku Regency, the light of the full moon will spread across the surface of the water, so that the fish will also spread. This makes catching difficult for fishermen, because the fish are not collected in a single catching area. The light of the full moon causes fish to expand their area so their density decreases.

4. There is a full moon tide

The full moon tide is the highest tide during the period of a tidal cycle. This happens due to the influence of the position of the earth, moon and sun which are in a straight line. This phenomenon causes the gravitational attraction exerted by the Moon and the Earth to increase, so the sea water rises higher.


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