
Countries with large rainforests agree to save them

TIME.CO, Jakarta – Countries that have three rain forest The world’s biggest giants agreed on Saturday to work together to tackle deforestation and preserve biodiversity, but failed to form a concrete alliance to protect the vital carbon sink.

Quoting Reuters, Monday, October 30, 2023, this announcement was made on the final day of the Three Basins Summit held in the Republic of Congo, which brought together presidents, NGOs, technical experts and financial sector officials to strengthen governance and conservation of the ‘The Amazon, the Congo River Basin and the forests of Southeast Asia.

The countries recognized the importance of cooperation and agreed to develop ways to protect forests in a seven-point plan.

“We realize that cooperation is an absolute necessity, and we realize that the initiative to unite the three river basins is part of a dynamic that cannot be avoided,” said the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Congo, Arlette Soudan Nonault.

There is an urgent need for action. The basin is home to two-thirds of Earth’s biodiversity, but its rapid destruction is causing the release of carbon dioxide that is causing global warming and endangering global climate goals.

Deforestation rose 4% worldwide in 2022, according to an October report that showed countries were increasingly moving away from commitments made in 2021 United Nations climate talks to halt and reverse loss and degradation by 2030.

During a three-day summit in Brazzaville, experts and politicians from countries with tropical forests discussed shared priorities ahead of next month’s UN COP28 climate talks. They examine various financing mechanisms to help developing countries conserve their critical ecosystems.


On the sidelines of the event, the Republic of Congo signed a forestry partnership roadmap with the European Union which aims by 2030 to increase the number of protected, restored or sustainably managed forests, create more related jobs to forestry and curb the rate of forest exploitation. loss.

Environmental organizations say the government must go beyond the deal agreed on Saturday.

“Further efforts will be needed to increase concrete collaboration between the three areas and promote concrete actions to stop it deforestation“the World Wildlife Fund said in a statement.

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