
Compare the environmental vision and mission of the three presidential candidates with the records of the political parties that support them, here are the results

MidLand, Jakarta – The vision and mission announced by the presidential and vice presidential candidates (presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate) it turns out that not everyone is in line with the political path of the political parties that support them. This is like what is found in the vision and mission in the environmental sector.

These findings were revealed by a non-governmental organization that monitors the development of peat ecosystem restoration activities and commitments in Indonesia, Monitor peat. They analyzed the vision and mission of each of the three presidential and vice presidential candidates ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

They also analyze the track record of the supporting party. “To provide constraints, this analysis was carried out on three key issues: the Law on Job Creation, Forestry and Other Land Use (FOLU) and the financial sector,” Pantau Gambut wrote in his analysis paper prepared by Abil Salsabila, Wahyu Perdana, Yoga Aprillianno and Iola Abas.

According to Pantau Gambut, monitoring and support must be carried out to ensure that the implementation of policies for each pair of presidential and vice-presidential candidates is in line with public interest, environmental protection and democratic principles.


In the cited document TIME, Sunday, February 4, 2024, it was shown, among other things, that the No. 1 candidate pair, Anies Baswedan – Muhaimin Iskandar, did not explicitly mention support or rejection of the job creation law. However, the various programs they are promoting are listed as interrelated with several provisions in them, namely ease of licensing and implementation processes
economic value of carbon.

This is not surprising because stalwart parties such as the Nasdem party and the PKB support the job creation law. Only PKS rejected it.

The contradictions are most visible in the FOLU sector, more specifically in the peatland issue. “The Nasdem party mentions a peat-related program that conflicts with the program of the candidate pair number 01,” Pantau Gambut wrote on the results of the analysis. Meanwhile, PKS, according to the results of Pantau Gambut’s research, does not have a specific program related to peat areas.

Regarding financial matters, Anies-Muhaimin is said to have a program that includes innovations in financing new and renewable energy, green financingAND carbon exchange. “However, the position of supporting political parties on these issues cannot be clearly identified.”



The analysis results for candidate pair number 2 show a correlation between the vision and mission of Prabowo Subianto – Gibran Rakabuming Raka and the Job Creation Law. Especially for the development of green energy, downstream extractive sectors and food preservation projects, i.e food heritage.

From the track record of supporting parties, Gerindra and Golkar party support him
Law and projects on job creation food heritage. However, the Democratic Party limits itself to supporting him food heritagenot for the job creation law which is considered bad by some groups because it is considered pro-investor, eliminating environmental impact analysis and so on.

“Paslon 2 does not have a specific program related to FOLU and financial issues,” reads the results of Pantau Gambut’s analysis. He added: “Even the position of supporting political parties on these issues cannot be clearly identified.”


A more unique conclusion was obtained from the results of the analysis of the pair of candidates number 3 Ganjar Pranowo – Mahfud MD. Both are said to have a vision and mission agenda for industrialisation, economic growth and land reform linked to the Job Creation Act.

The attitude of supporting political parties, such as PDIP, PPP, Perindo Party and Hanura Party, initially supported the controversial law, but some of them changed their attitude. There have also been changes in attitude towards the project food heritage.

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