Commission I DPR RI proposes that the DPR on publishers’ rights become law
Jakarta (MidLand) – President of Commission I DPR RI Meutya Hafid wants Presidential Regulation (Perpres) number 32 of 2024 regarding the responsibilities of digital platform companies to support quality journalism, or what is known as publishers’ right , become a law (UU).
“The publisher’s right will go forward if the DPR gives me a message to the next Commission I, to follow suit best practices “In developed countries, we will pass this presidential decree into law,” he said during the Editor’s Discussion Forum debate at the Antara Heritage Center, Pasar Baru, in Central Jakarta on Wednesday.
Meutya said his mandate on Commission I will end in the next few months, where he encouraged relevant governments, including the Ministry of Communications and Information, to immediately work together to complete the discussion, including regarding the Broadcasting Law .
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He also advised the next official to pass the presidential decree into law. The amendment of the Presidential Decree on Publishers’ Rights is aimed at strengthening the legal basis of this regulation.
“So the issue is not ended in the presidential decree, but we are pushing for greater legal force in the law,” he added.
Meutya said publishers’ rights can protect a healthy print ecosystem, provide fair competition between digital media and platforms, and encourage cooperation between both parties to support sustainable journalism.
“We hope this regulation can protect a healthy print ecosystem, provide fair competition between digital platforms and media, and increase sustainable media activities alongside quality content,” Meutya said.
Publisher’s rights is a term for Presidential Decree Number 32 of 2024 regarding the responsibility of digital platform companies to support quality journalism.
Publishers’ rights publishing policy can also be said to be the government’s concern in maintaining the existence of the press as the fourth pillar of democracy to help maintain a healthy and anti-hoax democratic life.
The Publisher’s Discussion Forum discussion event was also attended by several other speakers, namely Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Special Staff of the Ministry of BUMN , Arya Sinulingga, President General of the Indonesian National Private Broadcast Radio Association (PRSSNI) Office, Muhammad Rafiq, Editorial Board Representative, Kemal Gani, and Editorial Editor of The Jakarta Post, M. Taufiqurrahman.
Read also: Ministry of Communication and Information stresses that content creators are not subject to “publisher’s rights”
Read also: Deputy Minister of Communication and Information: the Presidential Decree on publishers’ rights does not silence freedom of the press
Read also: The Press Council evaluates the presidential decree on “publishers’ rights” as a response to the quality of content
Reporter: Pamela Sakina
Editor: Zita Meirina
Copyright © MidLand 2024
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