
Central Kalimantan launches scholarships for 20 thousand students

MidLand, Jakarta – The provincial government of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) is targeting around 20 thousand students to receive scholarships through the Savings program in 2024 Scholarship (Tabe) Blessing. This scholarship is intended for disadvantaged, high-achieving students who are in the final award (TA) stage.

The grant was launched on Sunday, January 21, 2024. Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran said that with the grant it is hoped that the quality of human resources (HR) can be improved.

“With this Tabe, in the long term, children from Central Kalimantan will have the opportunity to study at university. We hope that in the future all children from Central Kalimantan will graduate from high school,” he said during the scholarship launch event study.

He said that improving human resources is one of the priorities of the Central Kalimantan provincial government in order to create a next generation that is reliable and superior and capable of taking the region more advanced into the future.

Currently, only about 30% of high school graduates in Central Kalimantan continue their education to tertiary level and graduate. Sugianto said this condition is generally caused by economic constraints.

Therefore, he said, the provincial government of Central Kalimantan is preparing various programs to encourage the increase in the level of education in Central Kalimantan, one of which includes scholarship support.


“This card is scholarship assistance intended for Central Kalimantan students, because we see that our APBD is now almost IDR 9 trillion, so we will help every less fortunate student,” he said.

Tabe is the bidikmisi program of the provincial government of Central Kalimantan for 2024. To facilitate public access, the government through the Department of Education of Central Kalimantan has prepared the Tabe application which can be downloaded on Playstore. The Tabe application is a data collection system for potential participants receiving scholarship saving assistance. Each recipient of this assistance receives a grant of approximately IDR 7.5 million.

The Tabe program also provides opportunities and access for young students with an entrepreneurial spirit to realize their dreams of obtaining a better education, as well as achieving economic independence to create business opportunities and new jobs.

“Also, in the future the IKN will move to the island of Kalimantan, it is possible that one of our children, Dayak or Malay, could become president. “Therefore we must continue to move and work hard for our children to have advanced education “said Sugianto Sabran.

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