Can black holes devour the universe? Here’s the explanation: Okezone techno
JAKARTA – Black hole or black holes become mysterious objects that are quite difficult to understand. But the idea that black holes are capable of devouring the universe has been ingrained in many people’s minds, but is that really the case?
According to University of Rhode Island black hole physicist Gaurav Khanna, this assumption is not entirely true. Indeed, black hole it can only devour anything nearby that ventures into the event horizon.
“They only swallow things that are very close,” Khanna said, as compiled by Live science Tuesday (8/8/2023).
Khanna says the event horizon for black hole the mass of the Sun would only extend for 2 miles (3 kilometers). For a black hole with the mass of the Earth, the event horizon is only a few centimeters, like the size of a thumb.
severity black hole it will only affect the stars and planets that surround it, it can even make them orbit, as does the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, but it won’t swallow them.
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