BRIN wants Indonesia to become a supplier of green hydrogen in the global market
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Deputy Director of the National Agency for Research and Innovation or BRIN Amarulla Octavian aims for Indonesia to become a supplier hydrogen green in the global market to achieve the Net Zero Emission (NZE) mission.
“By using hydrogen as an energy source with great potential, Indonesia can become a supplier to the global market,” Amarulla said in Jakarta, Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023.
He made this statement in the BRIN Prof Talks webinar titled “Clean Energy in Supporting Low Carbon Programs,” which was broadcast online.
BRIN, Amarulla added, is specifically an energy and manufacturing research organization that focuses on conducting clean energy studies and recommendations in Indonesia by conducting research on hydrogen ecosystem maps.
Amarulla explained that this research includes mastering key technologies, such as the development of fuel cell materials and electrolysis.
Furthermore, Amarulla explained that this research also includes hydrogen storage technology, green hydrogen production, as well as the use of hydrogen as a fuel in the transportation sector or hydrogen vehicles. “This effort is part of the effort to prevent a rise in global temperatures,” Amarulla said.
Amarulla said that, in addition to the development of green hydrogen as an energy source, research into carbon storage and/or reuse technology, as well as research into zero-carbon fuels are also an important part of the realization of the NZE by 2060. “Reduce emissions from industrial processes and transportation,” Amarulla said.
On this occasion, he also encouraged stakeholders to support the development of environmentally friendly technologies and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2. “With all these steps, we can move towards a more sustainable carbon-neutral future,” Amarulla said.
It is known that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is developing new renewable energies (EBT), such as hydrogen, ammonia and nuclear, to achieve the energy transition and NZE target by 2060. Besides that , the government is also committed to developing Targeted Solar Power Plants (PLTS) can be a source power of the country in 2060.
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