
BMKG weather forecast: Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, light rain, coastal flood warning

MidLand, JakartaCouncil on Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) released weather forecast for Sunday, February 3, 2024, with most of Indonesia affected To rain cloudy and sunny.

PThe low pressure center is observed on the coast of Western Australia which forms a wind meeting or confluence area extending from southern Sumatra, waters north of Java, From Bali to Nusa Tenggara, Of Leastern seas and in waters west of Australia.

While dIt is observed that the convergence area in Aceh is long, West Sumatra, and from West Kalimantan to Central Kalimantan, from Kalimantan Tfrom east to South Kalimantan, from Gorontalo, Central Sulawesi to Southeast Sulawesi, also in Papua.

“KThese conditions are capable of increasing the potential for rain cloud growth around low pressure centers and along convergence and confluence areas“said meteorologist BMKG John the Great.

Furthermore, strong local lability supporting local-scale convective processes is found in most of Indonesia,” He added.

Sumatra generally has light rainfall, but Lampung, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, West Sumatra, Jambi, In North Sumatra, Aceh has the potential for moderate rainfall.

In Java it generally rains lightly, but in Central Java, Java East and West Java have the potential for moderate rainfall. Bali, NSoutheastern Western United States (NTB), East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) generally sunny and cloudy, but NTTNoTB chance of moderate rain.

Kalimantan generally has light rainfall, but East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan have the potential for moderate rainfall. Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and West Kalimantan have the potential for heavy rainfall.


Sulawesi is generally sunny and cloudy, but West Sulawesi has the potential for moderate rainfall. South Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi may cause heavy rain. Maluku and Papua are generally sunny and cloudy, but Papua has the potential for heavy rain.

Wind patterns in northern Indonesia generally move from youTare- Teast with wind speeds between 6 and 25 knots, while in the southern part of Indonesia it generally moves from Southwest – Northwest at a speed of 8 – 25 knots.

The highest wind speeds were observed in the Makassar Strait, Sulawesi Sea, Banggai Islands – Sula Islands waters, Sumba Island waters, and Kupang Islands – Rotte Islands waters.

Waves of 2.5 to 4 meters high are possible PKotabaru watersPwaters of the Sabalana Islands to the Archipelago SelayarPManui – Kendari Waters, Banda Sea Timur Southeast Sulawesi, Sulawesi SeaPwaters of the Sangihe Islands Hto the Talaud IslandsPWaters of the Sitaro IslandsPBitung Waters, Molucca SeaPthe waters of the Banggai Islands Hthe Sula Islands, Banda SeaPWaters of the Sermata IslandsPHalmahera waters, Halmahera SeaPerairan youtare West Papua Hin Papua, Arafuru Sea BPerhaps The goes, Pacific Ocean youTara Halmahera Hin Papua.

The air temperature varies from 20 to 34 degrees Celsius with an air humidity of 55 to 100 percent.

WAlso be aware of the potential risk of tidal flooding on the coast of the Riau Islands, coast of DKI Jakarta, and the coast of Central Java.

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