BMKG predicts rain will fall in various provincial capitals, Bandung temperature is very cold
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Agency of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics o BMKG extension expects rain accompanied by lightning in Tarakan on Saturday 2 September 2023. Meanwhile, light rain is likely in Banda Aceh, Ternate and Medan.
Forecasts based on the impact of heavy rains with warning status are expected to occur in Aceh, North Sumatra, North Kalimantan and Papua. There are no provinces in a state of alert.
BMKG said areas with the potential for strong winds are NTT, North Sulawesi and West Sulawesi. The air temperature varies between 19 and 35°C with the lowest temperatures in Bandung and Bandar Lampung. While the highest temperature is recorded in Banjarmasin.
BMKG also issued an early warning on high waves that could potentially occur in several Indonesian waters on 2 and 3 September 2023.
The wind pattern in Northern Indonesia generally moves southeast – southwest with wind speeds ranging from 5 to 25 knots. In the southern part of Indonesia, however, the wind generally moves from east to south-east with wind speeds between 8 and 25 knots.
“The highest wind speeds were observed in the Natuna Sea, southern Makassar Strait, Seram Sea, Arafuru Sea and Yos Sudarso Bay,” a written statement from the BMKG read.
This condition causes the possibility of increased wave heights of up to 2.5 – 4 meters in the Indian Ocean west of Lampung and Indian Ocean south of Banten – West Java.
BMKG also forecasts the location and timing of potential coastal flooding or tidal inundation. Here are the regions.
Prediction of theft location
-Coastal Kep. Riau (Tanjung Pinang coast) from 28 August to 4 September 2023
-East Java Coast (West Surabaya) from 27 August to 2 September 2023
-Maluku Coast (Ambon Bay, Saumlaki, Banda, Seram Island South Coast, Kai Islands, Dobo Islands, East Seram Regency) from 27 August to 4 September 2023
-East Coast of Kalimantan (East Balikpapan and West Balikpapan) from 29 August to 5 September 2023
-Coastal Kep. Riau (Coast of Batam City) from August 30 to September 5, 2023
-West Coast of Banten from 30 August to 5 September 2023
-West Sumatra Coast (Padang City Coast) August 31 to September 3, 2023
-Southern Coast of Bali (Coast Gianyar, Kuta, Tabanan, Klungkung, Karangasem) from 31 August to 3 September 2023
-Southern Papuan Coast (Merauke Coast) from 31 August to 6 September 2023
-Coastal Papua South (muli Strait coast) from 31 August to 6 September 2023
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