BMKG: 4 provincial capitals Rainy, others Sunny and Cloudy
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Agency of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics o BMKG forecast that the weather in most provincial capitals of Indonesia will be sunny and cloudy on Friday afternoon, September 22, 2023.
According to the official website of BMKG in Jakarta, the provincial capitals expected to be mostly cloudy on Friday afternoon are Serang, Bengkulu, Yogyakarta, Jambi, Bandung, Pontianak, Samarinda, Tarakan, Pangkal Pinang, Ternate, Mataram, Mamuju, Makassar, Kendari and Manado.
Meanwhile, areas of Palembang, Kupang, Banjarmasin, Surabaya, Semarang, Gorontalo and Central Jakarta are expected to be sunny.
Meanwhile, several areas may be cloudy, namely Banda Aceh, Denpasar, Palangka Raya, Bandar Lampung, Ambon, Pekanbaru and Padang.
People in the Medan area are asked to watch out for moderate rain during the day and light rain at night.
Likewise, people in the Tanjung Pinang area and Jayapura city should pay attention to light rain that may occur during the day. Light rain is also expected to fall in the Manokwari area throughout the day.
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Be careful of high waves
Previously, BMKG appealed to people carrying out coastal activities to be aware of the potential development of waves up to four meters high in several Indonesian waters on 21 and 22 September 2023.
“We ask people who live and carry out activities on the coast around areas where high waves are likely to occur to always remain vigilant,” head of the BMKG Maritime Meteorology Center Eko Prasetyo said in Jakarta on Thursday (21/9).
The increase in waves up to 1.25-2.5 meters high occurred in the waters north of Sabang, in the waters west of Aceh, in the Indian Ocean west of Aceh, in the waters west of the island of Simeulue-Mentawai Islands, in the southern part of Lampung Bay, southern part of Sape Strait, western part of Sumba Strait, Savu Sea, Ombai Strait, waters of Kupang-Rote Island, Indian Ocean south of Kupang and the southern part of the Karimata Strait.
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