BKKBN reminds people that it is important to spend a day with their families
Maybe our obstacles all this time are just because we’re busy. But we can actually handle it
Jakarta (MidLand) – The National Agency for Population and Family Planning (BKKBN) reminds people of the importance of providing effective days out with their families.
In the next three weeks, Saturday (6/29) to be precise, National Family Day will be celebrated, where on June 29, 1985, the freedom fighters of Yogyakarta finally returned to their families in the condition in which they had become a sovereign nation.
According to him, families can often be seen gathering in shopping malls or restaurants. But this time together is considered less effective if we are often distracted by personal matters with cell phones and devices.
Ukik hopes that during the commemoration of National Family Day across Indonesia and its culmination in Semarang on Saturday (29/6), people can avoid becoming individualistic.
“Maybe our obstacles are due to our busy lives. But we can actually do it,” Ukik said.
According to him, during a family day it is better to temporarily leave personal things along with cell phones and gadgets. Then it is replaced by the activity of telling stories and responding to stories between one family member and another.
“Or, if mothers have time, maybe they can cook with their daughters. Fathers can come too,” Ukik said.
In essence, a family day is a time spent by parents and children exemplifying each other’s correct behavior in their environment through good communication stimuli.
This creates motivation to maintain family resilience that supports the realization of the golden generation of 2045.
Read also: Family Day, the head of the BKKBN is sad that there are 500 thousand divorces every year
Read also: National Family Day, today BKKBN aims for one million supporters of family planning
Read also: Semarang and Central Java cities host National Family Day
Reporter: Abdu Faisal
Publisher: Ganet Dirgantara
Copyright © MidLand 2024
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