
Bapanas: Rice supplies from the government’s food reserve are safe for Eid al-Adha

Prices are relatively stable

Jakarta (MidLand) – The head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas), Arief Prasetyo Adi, said that the government’s rice reserves are in a safe condition, ahead of Eid al-Adha 2024.

“Now everything has been prepared (for Eid al-Adha). “We therefore have food reserves (of rice), government reserves,” he said on the sidelines of the coordination meeting for the expansion of cultivation areas and the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Interior in Jakarta on Friday.

Arief said the current government rice reserves controlled by Perum Bulog have reached 1.8 million tons. This stock is capable of meeting the needs of the community, especially in the face of Eid al-Adha.

He also said he visited various regions with President Joko Widodo to monitor a range of food prices and also visited some rice warehouses in Perum Bulog.

“Yesterday I just arrived from Agam, West Sumatra, the West Sumatra government also has food reserves,” Arief said.

Read also: Bulog Sultra ensures sufficient food supplies for Eid al-Adha
Read also: Bulog ensures Eid al-Adha rice supplies will safely reach 1.81 million tons

Besides West Sumatra, Arief said he also visited various other areas such as the city of Lubuklinggau in South Sumatra; Dumai City, Pakanbaru in Riau; Merangino in Jambi; Kendari City, Muna Regency, West Muna and East Kolaka in Southeast Sulawesi Province.

“We visited a lot of them, we traveled around. “Even before, we often went to Biak, to Nagekeo in NTT, to Kupang,” Arief said.

However, Arief did not specify food prices. However, he ensured that food in the areas visited with President Joko Widodo was relatively safe and affordable.

“Prices are relatively stable. Mr President, I just arrived from Riau yesterday. “Yes, our task is to ensure price stability and safety of supplies, because our area is large,” Arief said.

Previously, Perum Bulog Chief Director Bayu Krisnamurthi confirmed that the rice stocks for Eid al-Adha 2024 were in safe condition, because currently the stocks in the BUMN warehouse of the food sector have reached 1.81 million of tons.

“(In view of Eid al-Adha) currently Bulog’s (rice) stocks are very safe, because we have a stock of 1.81 million tons. “In my opinion, the stock is very safe (for Eid al-Adha) Adha, ed),” Bayu said on the sidelines of the launch of Perum Bulog’s D’GAT55 Mini Boss Food in Jakarta on Monday (5/27).

Bayu stressed that the preparation of rice supplies for the 2024 Eid al-Adha celebrations was done well. With stocks reaching 1.81 million tonnes, this is seen as a proactive step to ensure the availability of essential goods for the community ahead of this important moment in the Islamic calendar.

According to Bayu, although the tradition of celebrating Eid al-Adha does not lead to an increase in demand for rice as it does during Eid al-Fitr, Bulog still ensures that the availability of rice supplies is not a problem.

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Read also: The deputy trade minister guarantees safe supplies even if food prices have increased significantly

Reporter: Muhammad Harianto
Publisher: Budhi Santoso
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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