Bahlil highlighted the issue of seeds for sugar self-sufficiency to be successful in Merauke
Jakarta (MidLand) – Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordination Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia said that the availability of suitable seeds is very important for the success of self-sufficiency in sugar and bioethanol in Merauke, Southern Papua .
“After discussing it with friends, it turned out that one of the key issues was about seeds. It wasn’t just a question of surface area or soil, it turned out it was a question of which seeds were suitable (for the soil here)” , Bahlil said in a statement confirmed by Jakarta on Friday.
The government has initiated an integrated sugarcane plantation with sugar, bioethanol and biomass production industries requiring facilitation, coordination and trade permits for economic operators in Merauke, Southern Papua.
For this reason, this Friday Bahlil inspected from above the location of the two million hectares of land planned for the acceleration of sugar and bioethanol self-sufficiency in Merauke Regency. In the future, this bioethanol will be used as a biofuel.
“This program in Merauke has failed time and time again, right? There’s the MIFEE (Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate). “I don’t want this to suffer the same fate,” he said.
Bahlil also appreciated the seriousness of the company that owns the land concession in seriously building a seed-related research and development (R&D) center. In this way it is hoped that the seed problem will soon be solved and the plantation lands will become productive.
“That’s why we see that the R&D department is really amazing. I just saw how they work very carefully. We just want to delve deeper laboratory and the nursery school must take off their shoes, wash their hands and put them on disinfectant” Bahlil said.
It is estimated that two million hectares of land in Merauke will be able to produce two million tonnes of sugar per year, so it is hoped they can become an import substitute.
Bahlil is the Chairman of the Task Force (Satgas) for Accelerating Sugar and Bioethanol Self-sufficiency in Merauke Regency, South Papua Province, in accordance with the Presidential Decree (Keppres) of the Republic of Indonesia number 15 of 2024.
The formation of the Task Force aims to accelerate the implementation of integrated plantation investment activities with the sugar, bioethanol and biomass production industries in Merauke Regency, South Papua Province.
The vice-chairs of the task force are the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) and the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR)/Head of the National Land Agency (BPN).
Read also: Bahlil says land in Merauke is earmarked for sugarcane plantations
Read also: Bahlil calls for investment in sugar-bioethanol industry to engage community
Read also: The Coordinating Ministry of Economy prepares a road map for the expansion of sugar cane cultivation lands
Reporter: Indra Arief Pribadi
Publisher: Biqwanto Situmorang
Copyright © MidLand 2024
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