
Anies-Muhaimin expressed his political position on the results of the 2024 presidential elections

Jakarta (MidLand) – The No. 1 presidential and vice presidential candidate couple Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar expressed their political position regarding the final results of the plenary session of the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) for the 2024 presidential election (Pilpres ).

“Today the KPU issued an official announcement, the results of which we have listened to together in the KPU version. “However, in an election, the process is no less important than the final result,” Anies said, in a video statement in Jakarta on Wednesday evening.

According to him, it is important to ensure that the electoral process is open, fair and free from pressure, to ensure that all eligible voices are heard and respected.

“It is important to maintain the electoral process to ensure legitimacy, trust and inclusiveness in the results,” he stressed.

Without a credible process, he continued, the legitimacy of the chosen candidate or decision could raise doubts. Maintaining the integrity of the electoral process is therefore fundamental to the survival of democracy and the realization of the aspirations of society as a whole.

“Brothers and sisters, leaders born from a process tainted by fraud and irregularities will produce a regime that will give rise to policies full of injustice and we do not want that to happen,” he said.

Anies assessed that, according to the principles of a modern democratic state, when we see anomalies and irregularities it is not due to public agitation.

“The step we are taking is not to anger and agitate public opinion, but to collect all the evidence to bring before the judge. “We want this country to continue building political maturity, not to regress to the pre-reform era,” he said. underlined.

Anies also called on everyone to continue the fight and support the steps of the legal team so that whatever findings they find become a historic fact for this nation.

“Let us continue to carry on this fight by upholding ethics, maintaining peace and unity. “We support the legal team’s steps and let all the findings presented become historical documents officially recorded in the minutes of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia,” Anies said.

In line with Anies, Muhaimin Iskandar also felt that during the presidential election trail, his party discovered so many anomalies, deficiencies and omissions of unnatural processes that had never happened before in the history of this nation.

“It is well known that we found these various shortcomings long before the day of the vote, from regulatory engineering to the intervention of the state apparatus, and all of this became a matter of media and public news,” he explained.

Furthermore, since advancing in the competition, AMIN has been on a mission of change, bringing justice and prosperity to all, re-establishing democracy and delivering on promises of reform. And according to KPU data, tens of millions of people have entrusted their vote to AMIN.

“So, to defend the voice of those who believe in change and remain steadfast until the end, we have decided to ask the Legal Team of the AMIN National Team to go to the Constitutional Court and convey to the college of judges and the general public about the various shortcomings and irregularities that occurred this time during the presidential election process,” Muhaimin said.

Previously, the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) nominated the candidate pair Indonesian President and Vice President Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2024-2029.

This determination is contained in KPU Decree Number 360 of 2024 on the Determination of the Results of General Elections for President and Vice President, Members of the People’s Representative Council, Regional Representative Council, Provincial Regional People’s Representative Council and Regency/City Regional People’s Representative National level council in the 2024 general election.

“The results of the national general elections as provided by the First to Fifth Dictum will be determined on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 22.18.19 minutes WIB,” Indonesian KPU President Hasyim Asy’ari said at the KPU Indonesia Building, Jakarta, on Wednesday evening.

Read also: RI KPU appoints Prabowo-Gibran President-Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia 2024-2029
Read also: RI KPU completes nationwide recapitulation for 38 provinces

Journalist: Fauzi
Publisher: Guido Merung
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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