
An easy way to delete Yandex Browser on Android for security: Okezone techno

JAKARTA – How to delete Yandex The browser on Android is certainly very useful if you want to anticipate unwanted things. Because Yandex is very famous for its ability to access various sites blocked by Google.

The Yandex browser search engine can actually be removed easily and simply on the Android platform. In order for the process to be done correctly and systematically, users need to know the steps and methods to delete applications.

Yandex is actually a popular search engine platform and is widely used by users to access anything without restrictions or blocking. However, sometimes you need to delete the Yandex application because it requires quite a large amount of storage space.

Therefore, if you feel the need to delete it, follow this review to the end. Because Okezone summarized several sources, Saturday (08/26/2023) regarding a complete guide on how to delete Yandex Browser on Android.

1. Open the application menu

The first way to delete the Yandex browser search engine on Android is to open the application menu. Open the home screen of your Android device to find the Yandex Browser application.

2. Search Yandex browser

The next step to delete the Yandex application is to search in the application search column on the home screen of your Android smartphone.

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3. Hapus Yandex Browser

If you have found the application, the third way to do this is to delete the Yandex Browser application. The right way to do it is:

  • Tap and hold for a few seconds on the app
  • Several menus appear and select the “Uninstall” or “Delete” option.
  • If it doesn’t appear, drag the icon to the “Uninstall” or “Delete” option (it typically appears at the top or bottom of the screen)

4. Confirm the deletion

The next fourth method that can be followed on how to delete Yandex application on Android page is to confirm the deletion. You need to implement the following steps:

  • Select the “Uninstall” or “Delete” option.
  • Afterwards Android will ask for further confirmation that the user really wants to delete this application
  • If it is correct, you can click “OK” or “Yes” to continue deleting

5. Verify the deletion

The last step before closing the steps and how to delete Yandex on Android page is to verify the deletion.

If the Yandex Browser application is no longer present in the main menu, it is certain that the application has been permanently deleted from the Android device.*

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