
Ahn Bo Hyun Wants Fried Noodles Until Brad Pitt Continues Filming F1

Jakarta (MidLand) – There are news from lifestyle channels regarding entertainment, automobiles and technology that were published on Saturday (6/7) that are still interesting to read again and we have summarized them.

Some of them include news about the desire of Ahn Bo-Hyun, a South Korean actor who wants to try Indonesian fried noodles and visit Bali.

Additionally, there was news from actor Brad Pitt who was spotted wearing APX team racing gear to continue filming a Formula One movie at the British Grand Prix circuit.

You can read more via the following link:

Ahn Bo-hyun wanted to try Indonesian fried noodles and went to Bali

South Korean actor Ahn Bo-hyun expressed his wishes during his visit to Indonesia at the fan meeting “2024 AHN BO HYUN ASIA TOUR FANMEETING IN JAKARTA”, starting from trying to eat fried noodles to going to Bali.

Tips to Mentally Prepare Your Kids So They’re Excited About Going to School

Vera Itabiliana Hadiwidjojo S.Psi M.Psi, a clinical psychologist for children and adolescents at the Institute of Applied Psychology, University of Indonesia, offers advice to parents on how to prepare their children for enthusiasm for learning and school by instilling positive aspects of school.

YouTube Launches New Tool That Lets You Remove Copyrighted Music

YouTube has launched an improved removal tool that lets creators remove copyrighted music from their videos while preserving other audio.

6 Car Maintenance Myths That Owners Still Often Apply

Bandung University of Technology (ITB) automotive expert Yannes Martinus Pasaribu has exposed six myths about car maintenance that are still often practiced by several car owners in Indonesia.

Brad Pitt Returns to Continue Filming ‘F1’ on Track

Actor Brad Pitt has resumed filming a Formula 1 movie at the British Grand Prix circuit.

Reporter: Hreeloita Dharma Shanti
Publisher: Zulaikha Sites
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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