
After this afternoon, an earthquake from the Garsela fault shook Bandung and Garut again

MidLand, JakartaEarthquake On Friday, February 2, 2024, at 17:21 WIB, tectonics once again shook the Bandung and South Garut areas with a magnitude of 3.1. Meteorology Cliamtology Geophysical Agency (BMKG) noted that the source of the lindu was not far from the epicenter of the previous earthquake that occurred Friday afternoon.

From the BMKG shaking level map and based on public reports, earthquake vibrations were felt in the areas of Pangalengan, Cibereum, Cikajang and Bungbulang. The intensity scale of the earthquake varies between II – III MMI. Several people felt the vibrations and made suspended light objects swing so that in the house it seemed as real as if a truck was passing by.

So far, no damage to buildings has been reported, according to BMKG earthquake THE.

The source center or epicenter of the earthquake is located at the coordinates 7.28 degrees south latitude and 107.62 degrees east longitude. The location is on land at a distance of 30 kilometers southeast of the center of Bandung Regency, West Java.

The earthquake was classified as shallow at a depth of 3 kilometers. “The earthquake was caused by the activity of the South Garut (Garsela) fault in the Kencana segment,” BBMKG Region II head Tangerang Hartanto said on Friday.

According to BMKG monitoring, two seismic activities occurred in the area until 18.00 WIB. Earlier, a magnitude 3.2 tectonic earthquake shook parts of Bandung and South Garut at 10.46am WIB on Friday.


According to the head of the geophysical station of the Bandung Climatological Meteorological Geophysical Agency (BMKG), Teguh Rahayu, the source of the earthquake was on land. “It is located 33 kilometers southeast of the center of Bandung Regency,” he said.

The impact of the earthquake in the form of tremors was felt in the areas of Pangalengan and Cibeureum in Bandung Regency and then in Bungbulang in Garut Regency. The earthquake intensity scale ranges from II to III MMI. Only a few people felt the earthquake and made light hanging objects swing, so much so that the vibrations could be felt in the house as if a truck were passing by.

So far, no damage to buildings has been reported following the earthquake, according to BMKG. Lindu is classified as shallow from a depth of 4 kilometers. “The earthquake was caused by local fault activity,” Rahayu said.

Based on the results of the BMKG analysis, the center or epicenter of the earthquake source is located at the coordinates 7.32 degrees south latitude and 107.59 degrees east longitude. As of 11:40 WIB, BMKG did not monitor any aftershocks. BMKG asks the public to remain calm and not be influenced by matters whose truth cannot be justified.

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