A range of short-lived animals, some of which live only 24 hours
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Just like humans, animal it also has a medium lifespan. An animal’s lifespan depends on its habitat, size, food source, and ability to survive in its natural environment.
It is known that some animals in the world have a very short lifespan. So, which animals have it age short?
1. Mayfly or Mayfly (24 hours)
Quoted from Animals of AZ, mayflies are small flying insects that live around lakes, ponds and rivers in North America. Mayflies are known to have the shortest lifespan in the world, i.e. only 24 hours. This is why mayflies belong to the order Ephemeroptera. The word Ephemeroptera comes from Greek and means “short-lived”.
A nymph then hatches from an egg and survives in the water. Some mayfly nymphs remain in the water for several months or even years. However, once they become adult mayflies, they only live less than 24 hours.
2. Gastrotricha (3 days)
Gastrotricha are animals visible only under a microscope (0.06-3.0 millimeters). Quoted from The mysterious world, the shape of the gastrotricha resembles a worm. This animal can be found in fresh and marine water. This animal has a transparent body structure and swims with the current. Gastrotricha lasts only three days.
3. Mosquito (7 days)
Mosquitoes can be said to be the most notorious pest species on earth. In addition to this, mosquitoes go through the egg, larva, pupa and adult stages in a short time. Quoted from Reader’s Digestonce a mosquito reaches adulthood, it usually lives for a week.
4. Ant Drone (3 weeks)
Drone ants are male members of an ant colony. Drone ants have a life cycle of only three weeks. Drone ants follow a lazy behavior and never work hard. Female drone ants always form ant colonies. Interestingly, drone ants die rapidly after mating with female ants. Therefore, drones play an important role in the existence of ant colonies in their shorter life cycles.
5. Flies (4 weeks)
Domestic fly or in Latin Housefly it is the most common insect and one of the annoying insects often found in homes. The lifespan of houseflies is limited to only a short period of four weeks.
Flies those that live indoors have a longer lifespan than flies that live in the wild. Despite their shorter life cycle, each female fly lays up to 1000 eggs.
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