A Hajj candidate from East Java who was treated at Deli Serdang has recovered
This patient is a Hajj candidate who boarded Saudi Arabian Airlines during a technical landing to refuel aircraft at Kualanamu Deli Serdang International Airport
Medan (TRA) –
The Hajj Organizing Committee of Medan Embarkation (PPIH) said that a Hajj candidate named Siti Munawaroh (76), from Surabaya Embarkation, East Java, has been declared recovered by the medical team.
“Siti Munawaroh has been declared cured by the medical team and declared fit to fly,” PPIH Secretary for Embarkation in Medan, North Sumatra, Zulfan Effendi, said in Medan on Thursday.
This Hajj candidate, he said, received intensive care for three days at Amri Tambunan Hospital, in Lubuk Pakam town, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.
The results of physical and diagnostic examination by a team of doctors showed that this elderly pilgrim initially suffered from shortness of breath, so he was referred to the hospital belonging to the government of Deli Serdang regency.
This patient is a Hajj candidate who boarded Saudi Arabian Airlines during a technical landing to refuel aircraft at Kualanamu Deli Serdang International Airport, North Sumatra, Sunday (19/5), 11.30pm WIB.
His group handed over Siti Munawaroh and her son as companions to Saudi Arabian Airlines to take them back to the Surabaya gate.
Afterwards, the two Hajj candidates of the Surabaya Embarkation will depart for the Holy Land.
“But before leaving for the Surabaya embarkation, he and his children will stay one night at the Medan embarkation,” he said.
Zulfan also said that Hajj candidate, Robiyah Sayun Tawan (72), from Solo Embarkation, Central Java, was still under intensive care at Amri Tambunan Regional Hospital.
This Hajj Solo Boarding candidate was a Garuda Indonesia passenger who also made a technical landing to refuel aviation fuel at Kualanamu Deli Serdang International Airport, Wednesday (22/5) at 5.20am WIB .
Data from the Airports Authority Region II – Medan states that as many as 244 flights of potential pilgrims for four boardings filled up with jet fuel at Kualanamu International Airport.
The four boardings are the solo boarding in Central Java, the Surabaya boarding in East Java, the Banjarmasin boarding in South Kalimantan, and the Balikpapan boarding in East Kalimantan.
“We will continue to monitor his health condition until he is declared cured,” Zulfan said.
Pewarta: Muhammad said
Publisher: Indra Gultom
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