
A delegation from Asia Pacific countries visits the Jakarta Planetarium

TIME.CO, Jakarta – National Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN) in collaboration with Jakarta Planetarium and Observatory carry out star observation activities and star theater performances Planetary Mini at Jakarta Theater Plaza, TIM, as a side event of the Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF).

APRSAF is an annual space forum attended by all Asia Pacific countries. This year, Indonesia, through BRIN, hosted the 29th APRSAF, in collaboration with the Japanese government through the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and of Technology (MEXT).

Muhammad Hafez Ahmat Murtaz, one of the Malaysian delegates, welcomed this event with enthusiasm. “The mini planetarium is good. The shared knowledge is also good,” Hafez said after making the observations, Wednesday evening, September 20, 2023.

When he looked at the sky, he stated that there was a difference from what he saw in Malaysia because it was in the northern hemisphere, while Jakarta was in the south. This makes the position of the stars slightly different.

Hafez also told of a time when Kuala Lumpur residents saw celestial bodies in the sky the same way visitors do today. “Everyone is excited,” she said. According to him, the people who came were also busy.

According to him, celestial observation activities are useful for space education. “This initiative must continue for the Malaysian and Indonesian communities, we can share why the cultures are not that different, right?” He said.

Meanwhile, Hiroko Tsuzuki from Japan said she was happy to see enthusiastic residents queuing up to watch the Mini Planetarium and view celestial bodies through a telescope. “I saw happy faces,” Hiroko said.


As a person who regularly works in the planetarium industry, he saw something that rarely happens, that is, taking the cell phone, recording and taking photos in a mini planetarium. However, he understands that people are interested in astronomy and happy to learn about it.

While in Jakarta, Hiroko was also happy with the kindness of the residents. She hopes that this vision always appears every time because she will make a good impression.

BRIN also accompanied delegations from friendly countries to watch the mini planetarium. Arthur Ario Lelono, BRIN’s director of talent management, said Wednesday evening’s sky was brighter than the day before, so much so that the Moon and Saturn could be seen. “We actually educate the public that seeing celestial bodies is interesting,” Arthur said.

For this event, BRIN lent a mini planetarium owned by the Bandung Space Research Center. The planetarium also currently receives a loan from ITB. In this event, the two domes were used together for educational purposes.

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