
8 Recommendations of the UI PPKS Task Force regarding the sexual assault case, suspension and counseling of Melki Sedek

MidLand, Jakarta – President of the Students Executive Committee of the University of Indonesia (GOOD UI) The perpetrator would be the inactive Melki Sedek sexual violence based on the UI Chancellor’s decision letter. The letter contained administrative sanctions imposed on Melki, namely suspension for one semester or six months.

The sanctions were written based on the UI Chancellor’s Decree (SK) number 49/SK/R/UI/2024 signed by UI Chancellor Ari Kuncoro on January 29, 2024.

“It has been proven that Melki Sadek committed sexual violence based on the results of examinations, tests and information collected by the Task Force for the Prevention and Management of Sexual Violence or the PPKS UI Task Force,” reads the decree obtained by Tempo on Tuesday evening, January 30, 2024.

The veracity of the letter was confirmed by the UI’s public relations manager, Amelita Lusia Time. “It is true that (the letter) is official,” he said on Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

Amelita said the UI PPKS task force has issued recommendations for administrative sanctions determined by the Chancellor’s decree. “You can see that arriving at this recommendation was a long process full of attention until sanctions were reduced,” she said.

In the decree received by Tempo, the UI Chancellor, through the recommendations of the PPKS Task Force, determined eight points.

1. Melki Sadek was suspended for one semester.

For one semester, during the suspension period, Melki Sadek is not allowed to have contact with the victim. “During the period of suspension, the offender is prohibited from contacting, approaching and/or visiting the victim. The offender must also not be active in student activities of the curriculum, faculty and university,” we read in the letter.

During his suspension, Melki was also required to take part in psychological counseling so that he was only permitted to attend or be on the UI campus when he was required to attend specifically face-to-face sexual assault counseling/education sessions in the UI campus.

Subsequently, the report on the results of Melki’s consultancy will form the basis for the UI Chancellor to issue a decree declaring that the offender has carried out the imposed sanctions. And Melki is also required to sign a stamped declaration in which he declares that he committed sexual violence, accepts the sanctions given and will not repeat the act against anyone, anytime and anywhere.

2. The PPKS UI Task Force is obliged to provide psychological services and legal assistance to victims if necessary or at the request of victims.

3. The UI PPKS Task Force coordinates and implements counseling/education programs for offenders after making recommendations through the UI Chancellor’s Decree

4. The PPKS UI Task Force monitors offenders to ensure that offenders do not violate the matters set out in the First Dictum


5. If it is proven that the offender has violated the provisions of the First Dictum, the Task Force may recommend even more severe sanctions, up to and including expulsion of the offender from the UI.

6. The Chancellor, through the UI PPKS Task Force, is obliged to provide security protection to victims and witnesses from threats and intimidation by those reported to report or testify.

7. In the case of the Chancellor’s decision referred to above, the victim or offender has the right to request a review which must be submitted no later than 14 calendar days after receipt of the decision letter from the parties containing the Chancellor’s decision. decision on the reported case

8. This decision of the Rector takes effect from the moment it is established with the provision that if at a later stage an error occurs in this decision of the Rector, appropriate corrections will be made.

The news of the sexual assault case committed by Melki has been widely discussed since December 2023. Based on an interview with Tempo quoted from the December 31, 2023 edition of Tempo Magazine, Melki Sadek denied the accusation.

“To this day I don’t know what rules I broke. I still don’t remember. In fact, I have never committed any violence, including sexual violence,” Melki said in an exclusive interview with Tempo on December 31, 2023.

Melki also said he was unaware of the campus allegations against him regarding sexual assault. She only found out when he received a deactivation letter from the BEM presidency on December 18, 2023.

“I am confused to explain what the problem is. What is clear is that on December 18, 2023, I received a deactivation letter from BEM UI. This is the mechanism of BEM UI,” Melki said.

Melki admitted he was also concerned about creating a safe environment, including safety from sexual violence. In fact, Melki had time to amend BEM UI Regulation Number 1 of 2021. “It contains an emphasis that members who are found to be involved in cases of sexual assault, proven or not, shall be temporarily disabled,” he said .

Then, on December 22, 2023, Melki admitted that he had been summoned by the PPKS Task Force. “I was asked a series of questions related to the complaint. But I don’t know the complete chronology, the names of the journalist and the victim. I respect the process,” he said.

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