8 frequently asked questions about Nadiem’s new rules, from the non-compulsory thesis to publication in the journal
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim has published a policy that does not require thesis as a degree requirement for undergraduate and D4 students. This provision is contained in the regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Permendikbudristek) number 53 of 2023 on quality assurance in higher education.
Furthermore, according to the regulation, master’s and doctoral students are not required to write articles published in journals. Several questions arise on this issue, starting from the shape of the final project to why this rule was made. Quoted from the Pocket Book published by the Ministry of Education, the following are answers to a number of frequently asked questions.
1. What is the form of the final assignment on the D3 program?
The final assignment in the D3 program is optional or non-compulsory, according to the determination of each course of study. The final assignment can take the form of a prototype, project or other similar form of final assignment, either individually or as a group.
2. What is the form of the final project in the undergraduate or applied degree program?
The final assignment may take the form of a thesis, prototype, project or other similar form of final assignment, either individually or as a group. If a degree/applied degree program has implemented a project curriculum or other similar form, the final project may be removed/no longer compulsory, according to the determinations of each study programme.
3. What is the form of the final project in the master / master program applied?
The final assignment in the master’s/applied master’s course is mandatory. However, the final project may take the form of a thesis, prototype, project or other similar form of final assignment. Permendikbudristek number 53 of 2023 no longer regulates the obligation to publish articles in accredited scientific journals.
4. What is the form of the final assignment in the doctoral program applied?
The final assignment in the doctoral/applied doctoral program is mandatory. However, the final assignment may take the form of a thesis, prototype, project, or other similar form of final assignment. Permendikbudristek number 53 of 2023 no longer regulates the obligation to publish articles in reliable international journals. Examiners for final assignments in PhD/Applied Doctoral programs involve examiners from external universities. Such examiners must be independent and free from potential conflicts of interest.
5. How is the student’s study period determined?
Higher education institutions have the power to determine the period of study for full-time and part-time students taking into account:
A. travel time resume;
B. total learning load;
C. effectiveness of learning for the interested student;
D. flexibility in the learning process, availability of support
financing; AND
And. efficient use of university resources.
Study time cannot exceed double the curricular travel time.
6. What are the graduation requirements for students?
Students in diploma programs and college/college programs are passed if they have completed all prescribed study loads and have undergraduate learning outcomes targeted by the study program with a grade point average greater than or equal to 2.00.
Meanwhile, students in professional programmes, specialist programmes, sub-specialist programmes, applied masters/masters, applied doctoral/doctoral programs are passed if they have completed all prescribed study loads and have graduate learning outcomes targeted by the study programs with an average grade of points greater than or equal to 3.00.
7. Why was Permendikbudristek No. 53 of 2023 on Quality Assurance of Higher Education created?
A. National Standards for Higher Education (SN Dikti) are too rigid and detailed and need to be adjusted to give universities more room to innovate.
B. In addition to this, the accreditation system is still considered to be an administrative and financial burden on universities.
C. This Permendikbudristek was created to effect transformations in SN Dikti and accreditation systems, encourage improvements in the quality of higher education, as well as synchronize and harmonize regulations relating to quality assurance of higher education.
8. What norms are dealt with in Permendikbudristek number 53 of 2023 regarding Quality assurance in higher education?
Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023 is a form of integration and renewal of four regulations concerning the quality assurance system, national higher education standards, accreditation and teacher training standards. The four rules are:
A. Regulation no. 62 of 2016 of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education relating to the quality assurance system of higher education.
B. Regulation no. 3 of 2020 of the Minister of Education and Culture relating to national higher education standards.
C. Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 5 of 2020 regarding the accreditation of study courses.
D. Regulation no. 56 of 2022 of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology relating to teacher training standards.
With the issuance of Permendikbudristek number 53 of 2023, these four regulations were revoked and declared invalid.
The editor’s choice: Ministry of Education and Culture called to cancel the thesis, Nadiem: don’t be happy yet, the decision is on the Campus
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