62 million first-time voters for the 2024 elections belong to the digitally vulnerable group
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Program manager Contagious reasonSanti Indra Astuti, stated that out of the total number of voters there would be 114 million young voters who would exercise their right to vote in 2024 elections. Meanwhile, 56%, or 62 million, are novice voteri.e. those who will vote for the first time.
“They are inexperienced and are not even used to thinking critically when receiving information. They are classified as a digital vulnerable group,” Santi said during the #YukUnderstandPemilu event organized by Google and YouTube Indonesia in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 20, 2023.
In addition to targeting young voters, another group of digitally vulnerable people are the elderly or elderly. They experience limitations in mastering technology and digesting information. “As a result, we often get misled by confusing information, end up getting caught up in hoaxes, hate speech, and new problems emerge,” Santi continued.
Santi said one way to overcome these problems is to think critically when dealing with confusing information.
Tular Nalar is a program run by the Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society (Mafindo) together with the Ma’arif Institute and Love Frankie, which focuses on a media literacy curriculum to develop critical thinking skills.
“We develop a curriculum, website, which the public can access for free. “In it there are educational materials and various other contents that can be used,” Santi added.
Apart from this, Tular Nalar also carries out creative campaigns in various regions. There is also training in all regions of Indonesia thanks to the support of google.org.
In three years of operation in 2020, Tular Nalar held 576 training courses in 397 cities, with 883 facilitators. “We were therefore able to reach more than 550,000 additional beneficiaries,” she said.
Thanks to a $2.5 million grant from Google and YouTube Indonesia, Tular Nalar aims to reach 1.6 million targets among vulnerable groups of young and older voters across Indonesia. “The plan is to organize 500 training courses in 38 provinces of Indonesia,” Santi said.
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